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Senator letter from the U.S.

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  • Senator letter from the U.S.

    Can anyone tell me how to approach the local Senator's office and get a letter from him. My parents Visa was rejected under 214(b) in February this year from Calcutta. They had all their papers in place and answered every question correctly but were refused for no reason what so ever.


  • #2
    Do not waste your time with this. By law,no one has a right to a visitor visa,
    it is only granted as a privilege at the consular's discretion over which a senator won't have any influence. In fact a senator's letter may create an undue bias against any future applications by your parents.

    If you read this forum, your parents' case is like hundreds of others who
    have been refused like this.And many have been granted visas on subsequent attempts after carefully overcoming the reason for the refusal.You should reexamine all the Qs and As of
    your parents' interview and if possible, try to correct the reason in the next attempt. Everyone cries foul about consulars not looking
    at the documents; the US embassy website advises that
    a person's situation is more important than any documents.
    Last edited by taco; 09-23-2005, 06:26 AM.





