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Volunteering, travelling and B1 vs. B2

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  • Volunteering, travelling and B1 vs. B2

    Hello all!

    Assuming everything goes to plan and I can obtain my J-1 visa next week at the consulate, I will do an internship in the US to complete my studies from March through August. Now the thing is, my girlfriend wants to come along during these six months and whilst being there, also want to make herself useful and volunteer at a local NGO. In addition, towards the end of our stay, we would also still like to travel around the US.

    Now we would like to ask you what the best way would be for her to stay with me during that time, and given the plans as stated above.
    Although a B1 visa would normally be required for volunteering, we're not sure about our intended travelling afterwards, as this would be more in the realm of a B2 visa. Moreover, we also heard that a B1 visa is generally issued for a 3 month period, while a B2 visa is more easily issued for up to 6 months. But then again, the latter is not suitable for volunteering, right?
    Of course, we could go for a B2 visa and skip the volunteering part. But without any solid plans for the intended duration of stay other than merely staying with me, would this be a valid reason to grant her a 6-month B2? Perhaps the other option would be to go for a B1 visa and whilst being in the US, change this to a B2 visa for the travelling part. Nevertheless, the travelling part would only take 6 to 8 weeks, and would this be worth the bureaucratic hassle or the costs involved in such a change?

    Please let us know what you think would be the best solution in this case and gives the best chance of granting a 6-month stay!

    J & E

  • #2
    Please note that visit visa when granted by the embassy is always granted as B1/B2 which means you can use it for either purpose.
    The distinction B1 or B2 is made at the US airport depending on what you mention as purpose B1 or B2.

    *If you are stamped B1 (business) at the airport you are allowed B2 ( pleasure activities) by default without changing it to B2.
    but it is not true the other way round ( if you are stamped B2 at the airport , you cannot engage in B1 ( business, volunteering) without changing it to B1)

    Please post;
    1.what is your and your Girl-friend's nationality?
    2.How old is she? what does she do ? study or work?
    3. Has she been abroad before?
    4 What is her financial status? Who will be funding her trip to
    5. Does she have any relatives in US?


    • #3
      Thanks a lot, that's very useful information! I'm the girlfriend so I'll answer your questions :-)

      1. We're both Dutch
      2. I'm 21 years old and I'm studying but I won't be during my stay in the US, I'll be on a temporary studybreak.
      3. I have been abroad before, but not outside Europe. So I've never applied for a visa.
      4. I will live from money I have been saving and my father will lend me whatever else I need. How much money do you think they will want to see on my bank account?
      5. I don't really have any relatives in the US, apart from some pretty far away family from my stepmother, but I don't know whether that will be considered to be real family? But I barely know them and I do not intend to visit them.

      Does this change anything? And would this mean that it would be best to apply for a B1 visa? And what would be best to tell at the US airport? Do you think they will be willing to give me a visum for 5 months of part-time volunteering and 1 month of traveling? Thanks in advance!


      • #4
        the ground reality is that B1/B2 decisions hinge mostly on the issue of being a 'potential immigrant'.
        That is especially true with young and single people with not so strong financial/work/settlement ties to their home country.
        And you can't be sure if you will be granted or denied and it all depends on the few minutes of officer 'judgement'.
        How much stay you will get at the US airport is a small thing; one can request a longer stay even on a B1 with proper documents ,
        the main thing is if you will get the visa.

        You are from a visa waiver country so there is an additional burden on you to prove to the officer why you need a visa
        when you can use your visa free privilege for 90 days. That is to prove why you need to stay there more than 90 days.

        Also, if you are denied a visa you won't be able to use your visa free privilege. You will have to apply for a visa
        again to enter US in future. So, my recommendation is do what you have to do on your 90 day visa free visit.


        • #5
          Thanks again for your reply!

          It would really be a pity if I would only be able te stay for 90 days, it is by far not enough for what I would like to do.

          Do you think I'll be very suspicious of being a potential immigrant? Taken in mind that:

          - My boyfriend's visa is also just for 6 months, and since being together is a big motivation for going to the US , I won't stay there when he leaves. (should I bring proof of his visa to the interview?)
          - My study isn't finished yet, I have invested 2,5 years of effort and college-fee already, so I'll defenitely come back for the last few ECTS (study points) that I'll still have to gain. I'll bring a letter of my study-advisor to prove this.
          - The sum of money on my bankaccount will be enough for 6 months, but noy for any longer. (How much do you think they (the people who will interview me) will want to see?
          - I'll be subrenting my room during these six months, I can bring proof of this as well.

          And then the proof for why I would need to stay longer than 90 days... The entire experience of living abroad for a substantial time, being together with my boyfriend since he'll go anyway, volunteering for an NGO which is close to my studyfield (animal sciences), and making a long road-trip. I would say that these things are all quite good reasons for wanting to stay longer than 90 days. I just hope the people who will interview me will agree.

          How do you think my chances of getting a B1/B2 visa are with all these preparations?


          • #6
            Originally posted by EvJe View Post
            Thanks again for your reply!

            It would really be a pity if I would only be able te stay for 90 days, it is by far not enough for what I would like to do.

            Do you think I'll be very suspicious of being a potential immigrant? Taken in mind that:

            - My boyfriend's visa is also just for 6 months, and since being together is a big motivation for going to the US , I won't stay there when he leaves. (should I bring proof of his visa to the interview?)
            - My study isn't finished yet, I have invested 2,5 years of effort and college-fee already, so I'll defenitely come back for the last few ECTS (study points) that I'll still have to gain. I'll bring a letter of my study-advisor to prove this.
            - The sum of money on my bankaccount will be enough for 6 months, but noy for any longer. (How much do you think they (the people who will interview me) will want to see?
            - I'll be subrenting my room during these six months, I can bring proof of this as well.

            And then the proof for why I would need to stay longer than 90 days... The entire experience of living abroad for a substantial time, being together with my boyfriend since he'll go anyway, volunteering for an NGO which is close to my studyfield (animal sciences), and making a long road-trip. I would say that these things are all quite good reasons for wanting to stay longer than 90 days. I just hope the people who will interview me will agree.

            How do you think my chances of getting a B1/B2 visa are with all these preparations?
            the most important thing for you to consider is that you will not be able to use your visa free privilege again if you are denied a B1/B2.
            You will always have to apply for a visa even for short visits in future.
            And no one can say for sure if you will succeed.

            Honestly, going to US just for the purpose of accompanying your bf for his course is not a concrete purpose, and you would be denied
            applying in india where I am. But due to cultural differences ,visa officers in European countries judge differently so I am not really sure.

            Also, they do not look at too many documents and you don't have a lot of loose time to explain every small life situation like subrenting your room.
            But yes, your continuing college education will be asked about and will be a point in your favour. And richer the better.





