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Us tourist visa 3rd time applying, please help!!

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  • Us tourist visa 3rd time applying, please help!!


    I am 24 years old. I had applied for the USA tourist visa to attend my cousin's wedding function in July 2012. At the time of the first application I was wait listed for admission in two colleges. My mother , brother, my cousins and my grandparents were also traveling for the wedding, so I mentioned their names also in the application. All of them had a valid visa but I was denied visa and the visa officer told me that if I wanted to re-apply, then I should do so after taking admission.

    After few days when I was able to secure admission in one of the colleges, I reapplied for visa again in the same month, the visa officer asked me only one question which was who is sponsoring my trip. My uncle was sponsoring the trip, I told the same thing to him and he denied me the visa.

    This time my other cousin(younger son of the same uncle) is getting married. Again my mother, my cousins and my grandparents are traveling. At present I am doing a post graduation course from Delhi University. I am in my first year and the course is three year LL.B.
    I have my exams in May so I will be traveling for 2 weeks in April. Again my uncle is sponsoring my trip (actually he is sponsoring the trip for my cousins, my mother and my grandparents too), but they have a valid visa so they don't have any problem. My uncle and his son who is getting married, are both U.S citizens.

    Now I am confused whether I should apply for the visa or not. I don't have any intention of staying there for more than 14 days but i know that presently I am a student, young, single and my parents are not sponsoring my trip.

    Do I have any chance of getting a visa this time.
    Please reply.


  • #2
    asking for a relative in US to sponsor your trip tells the officer straightaway that you or your parents do not have good financial ties to home country . On top of that,
    you are young , single and going for a casual trip.

    Apply only if you can show self funding . ( either yourself or your parents.) Or you will get denied again.(no offense, it is quite obvious, nothing to think about)


    • #3
      Originally posted by peace999 View Post
      asking for a relative in US to sponsor your trip tells the officer straightaway that you or your parents do not have good financial ties to home country . On top of that,
      you are young , single and going for a casual trip.

      Apply only if you can show self funding . ( either yourself or your parents.) Or you will get denied again.(no offense, it is quite obvious, nothing to think about)
      Thanks a lot for clearing the confusion
      I have two more questions:
      1. I am a student right now so what is the way for me to show self funding(myself, not parents)
      2. My brother is working with Air Asia and earning fifty thousand p.m. If I show that he is sponsoring my trip, does it incresase the chances of getting a visa?


      • #4
        Well, if you are a student with a lot of heritage money you can show self funding.
        Otherwise, showing your parents' funding is the only natural way.

        Brother's 50k is not enough , also it is not natural to show bro's funding.

        Since your parents cannot show your funding, I advise you wait and apply when you have a more concrete purpose than a wedding.
        and own source of funding ( job).

        Applying again and again to attend weddings just shows desperation and does not go down well with the officers.


        • #5
          Hi, thank you so much for the prompt response earlier. Sorry for troubling you with questions again, Actually I tried my best to explain the situation to my parents and relatives that again my visa application will be rejected as I am just doing a degree program and I am enrolled in a college and all this will not make a big difference in my Application. I have good educational background ( B.tech in Computers and Diploma in cyber crime) prior to the LL.B course.

          Now I need your help regarding a few things.

          1. If I apply for the visa and furnish last year's 2nd term exam datesheet ( As this year exam datesheet will be out in April and 2nd term exams always start in the first week of may ) will that help my application?

          2. If I can furnish a leave application letter attested by the Professor-in-Charge of my college stating that I will be leaving in first week of april and I will be back by the third week of april, will that make any difference?

          3. Is there any document that I can furnish regarding my college other than the above two documents?

          4. Is there any other document that my uncle( mother's brother) can furnish apart from my sponsorship letter and I -134?

          I know I have no chance of getting visa but as I was not able to attend last wedding in 2012, all of them are looking forward that I come this time.

          I have the wedding card from my uncle( mother's brother), this year wedding is going to take place in california.

          And the most Important thing, If I am denied visa again this will be the 3rd time, does that affect my future applications?


          • #6
            Hi, thank you so much for the prompt response earlier. Sorry for troubling you with questions again, Actually I tried my best to explain the situation to my parents and relatives that again my visa application will be rejected as I am just doing a degree program and I am enrolled in a college and all this will not make a big difference in my Application. I have good educational background ( B.tech in Computers and Diploma in cyber crime) prior to the LL.B course.

            Now I need your help regarding a few things.

            1. If I apply for the visa and furnish last year's 2nd term exam datesheet ( As this year exam datesheet will be out in April and 2nd term exams always start in the first week of may ) will that help my application?

            2. If I can furnish a leave application letter attested by the Professor-in-Charge of my college stating that I will be leaving in first week of april and I will be back by the third week of april, will that make any difference?

            3. Is there any document that I can furnish regarding my college other than the above two documents?

            4. Is there any other document that my uncle( mother's brother) can furnish apart from my sponsorship letter and I -134?

            I know I have no chance of getting visa but as I was not able to attend last wedding in 2012, all of them are looking forward that I come this time.

            I have the wedding card from my uncle( mother's brother), this year wedding is going to take place in california.

            And the most Important thing, If I am denied visa again this will be the 3rd time, does that affect my future applications?
            Originally posted by peace999 View Post
            Well, if you are a student with a lot of heritage money you can show self funding.
            Otherwise, showing your parents' funding is the only natural way.

            Brother's 50k is not enough , also it is not natural to show bro's funding.

            Since your parents cannot show your funding, I advise you wait and apply when you have a more concrete purpose than a wedding.
            and own source of funding ( job).

            Applying again and again to attend weddings just shows desperation and does not go down well with the officers.


            • #7
              Honestly speaking none of the documents/evidences you listed point to a strong enough reason for returning back to home country. Your graduation in Engineering in Computers itself is enough to get a job in US and Visa Officers know that. A strong job or family (wife/kids) in home country is probably the only surest way of getting a visitor visa for young people at your age.

              This is my opinion not legal advice.


              • #8
                Originally posted by raghvi View Post
                Honestly speaking none of the documents/evidences you listed point to a strong enough reason for returning back to home country. Your graduation in Engineering in Computers itself is enough to get a job in US and Visa Officers know that. A strong job or family (wife/kids) in home country is probably the only surest way of getting a visitor visa for young people at your age.

                This is my opinion not legal advice.
                Hi, thanks for the response.

                Actually I will be travelling with around 11 people including my mother and brother too, all of them have a valid visa.
                My question is that If I am denied visa again this will be the third time will this Affect my future applications If I apply for higher studies after 3 years or after a good job after 4-5 years?

                Plus my first application was refused on the ground that I was wait listed for admission in two colleges, and I applied second time after enrolling myself.

                when I applied for the second time. My answer to the question have you ever been denied visa was, yes and I mentioned that I was wait listed for a 1 year diploma course, I have enrolled myself, I have passed that course and Presently I am Pursuing a 3 years degree program of law.

                what will I mention the reason for refusal for my earlier applications this time?

                Thanks a lot.





