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Reapplying for parents' visitor's visa after rejection: Help needed

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  • Reapplying for parents' visitor's visa after rejection: Help needed

    Hello all,

    My parents' visitor's visa got rejected the last time in 2012. We are applying for the second time now. We have made following changes this time:

    1) Parents are self sponsoring their trip ( My husband showed sponsorship last time. He is on H1B and I am on H4)
    2) Parents filled their application (last time I submitted the application from US)
    3) Trip duration is 3 months
    4) We are applying after 2 years....
    5) We are sending 2 different invitation letters: one from myself and other from my husband

    The last time visa officer asked them about the number of children,and I am the only daughter. He did not ask anything else and their visa as rejected under 214 (b). I wish to ask following questions:

    1) Do we still need to send I-134?
    2) Shall we write only one letter to consulate (from my husband and I) or shall we write two different letters?

    Has anyone's parents received the visitor visa after initial rejection under 214(B)? What different did you do? Please do let me know.

    Your help is appreciated.


  • #2
    Being the only daughter is a strong reason for your parents wanting to visit and this must be allowed. If they are self sponsoring, an invitation letter to them does not apply but a letter to consulate signed by both of you indicating interest in this trip will be helpful. They need to show enough finances for the 3 month trip plus evidence of medical insurance. I-134 copy is not needed but more importantly, demonstrating that your husband is on a short term contract will be very helpful as it indicates none of you are an 'immigrant' risk.

    Hope your parents join you soon!

    Dr. Sandeep Shankar, Colorado Heights University, Denver, CO 80223, USA.

    Originally posted by shevgk View Post
    Hello all,

    My parents' visitor's visa got rejected the last time in 2012. We are applying for the second time now. We have made following changes this time:

    1) Parents are self sponsoring their trip ( My husband showed sponsorship last time. He is on H1B and I am on H4)
    2) Parents filled their application (last time I submitted the application from US)
    3) Trip duration is 3 months
    4) We are applying after 2 years....
    5) We are sending 2 different invitation letters: one from myself and other from my husband

    The last time visa officer asked them about the number of children,and I am the only daughter. He did not ask anything else and their visa as rejected under 214 (b). I wish to ask following questions:

    1) Do we still need to send I-134?
    2) Shall we write only one letter to consulate (from my husband and I) or shall we write two different letters?

    Has anyone's parents received the visitor visa after initial rejection under 214(B)? What different did you do? Please do let me know.

    Your help is appreciated.






