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Need advice to seek a weeks Visitor Visa to watch a game in US

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  • Need advice to seek a weeks Visitor Visa to watch a game in US

    Hi All,

    I would be glad if anyone could let me know what I need to present myself as in order to increase the probability of getting a B2 Visa.

    My purpose is to attend a football match in USA this August.

    I am 24 years old and I am working as a software engineer with monthly salary of 20K and I havent have filed any tax return till date.
    I am single (unmarried). never been on any international destinations before.
    My educational background is Computer Engineering.

    I do not have anyone in the USA that I know of, My sole purpose is to attend the game. I wouldnt want a visa for more than 4 days actually.

    what are the concerns should I take care of while applying for Visa, in regards to finances (bank balance), resume, etc.

    should I show my profile of family's business as to ascertain them of my return as I run the business or should I show myself as a service class employee only ( but I feel that due to my field and its opportunitites in the USA, I do not want them to feel that I wouldnt return)

    Also approximately what figure (bank balance) would likely ascertain me a Visa

    Pardon my naivity, I appreciate anybody who could provide me with answers to these question.

  • #2
    no bank balance required.

    They mainly look at your income which is very low. Plus your young age, single marital status and the purpose you are presenting
    (who goes all the way to US to watch a game when income is only 20k).
    all this will be enough to deny you the visa, they won't look at anything else.
    Last edited by peace999; 04-18-2014, 07:36 PM.


    • #3
      Thank you so much for your reply,

      I understand that my income(salary) is low - but that is through my job's salary, I have my family's business which is the prime source of my income apart from my job's salary,
      is there anyway that it could be considered ? I mean I do not have any to show that the cheques get deposited directly into my account through my business but I can show sufficient amount in my bank account.

      OR could you please show me an alternative method to get the Approval ? is there any way that I could present myself that could get me

      Can you please give me your thoughts here ?


      • #4
        you are wasting your time. I gave you the frank picture.

        If you want the visa;
        1.Show documented income of 80k /month for several months, with business registration and preferably tax returns. .
        2.show travel abroad to other countries.
        3.show better purpose than watching a game.
        Like going with your parents on a package tour. Going alone like you are planning you will never get it.





