I am sponsoring my MIL for a visitor visa. Me and spouse are citizens. MIL has visited the US before over 10 years ago.
- Who should complete I-134 - Me or spouse?
- Whose passport copy should accompany the application - Mine or spouses (since MIL is directly related to spouse)?
- I realize I should write the invitation letter. However, was wondering if we can write a joint letter (me and spouse) and spouse can provide her passport copy, etc.
- Our bank accounts are in joint names so could be used either way (single sponsorship vs joint)
- What other documentation should we need to provide (Birth cert, marriage cert, etc). Whose birth cert?
- Who should complete I-134 - Me or spouse?
- Whose passport copy should accompany the application - Mine or spouses (since MIL is directly related to spouse)?
- I realize I should write the invitation letter. However, was wondering if we can write a joint letter (me and spouse) and spouse can provide her passport copy, etc.
- Our bank accounts are in joint names so could be used either way (single sponsorship vs joint)
- What other documentation should we need to provide (Birth cert, marriage cert, etc). Whose birth cert?