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DS160 submitted but Visit is Postponed.

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  • DS160 submitted but Visit is Postponed.


    I have submitted DS160 for my parents but for some reason the travel plans have to be postponed to after 6 months. Do i ignore the current submitted DS160 form and fill out a new form after 6 months, or use the same form later? If I use the same form, the "travel plans" would show same old dates. Can someone please advise on this how to proceed? I understand that i wont be able to change the "travel plans" on the current submitted DS160. Also, i am not sure if this submitted DS160 would be valid after 6 months. I have not paid fees or scheduled the interview for them yet.

  • #2
    you can edit the form . they can appear for the interview now with new travel plans 6 months away.


    • #3
      Originally posted by peace999 View Post
      you can edit the form . they can appear for the interview now with new travel plans 6 months away.
      Thanks a lot for your reply peace999. What if they plan to schedule the interview later i.e. after 6 months? Can i change the travel plans in the DS160 form now ( as per your reply) and then use the same form for scheduling interview at that time (in Dec) ?



      • #4
        as far as I know DS160 submitted stays till you use it once for an interview appointment.
        Note down the application no. and retrieve it , edit it when you are ready to take an appointment in Dec.

        I may be missing something, also confirm with the stanley visa center if you are applying in India .


        • #5
          Originally posted by peace999 View Post
          as far as I know DS160 submitted stays till you use it once for an interview appointment.
          Note down the application no. and retrieve it , edit it when you are ready to take an appointment in Dec.

          I may be missing something, also confirm with the stanley visa center if you are applying in India .
          Hi peace999. thanks once again. I was concerned because i read some other forums on other websites where it was mentioned that once DS160 is submitted , anything else can be edited except the "travel plans". Since i need to edit travel plans, i got concerned. I should try myself and see if i can edit the same.

          Thanks a lot !





