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Visitor visa for Aunt

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  • Visitor visa for Aunt


    I'm here in USA on H4 visa and my husband is on H!B.I want to invite my aunt (mom's sister) to visit USA for 2 months.My husband is sponsoring for her trip. My question is ,
    what documents are required to establish relationship between me and my aunt?I understand that my , my mom's and aunt's birth certificates are needed but my mom and aunt doesn't have birth certificates. My mom and aunt both have passport with the parent's name, isn't it sufficient to prove that they are sisters and then she can show my birth certificate and marriage certificate.
    Or is it ok if she makes an affidavit which says that my mom is her sister and I'm her niece?
    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Birth certificates are not mandatory for a visitor visa.
    an invitation from you accompanied by your visa copy is enough evidence for them that
    she is your aunt. They are just granting a tourist visa, not an immigrant visa so such strict establishment of relationship is not always required.

    no need for an affidavit, these days they do not ask for any documents in a large no. of cases.

    tip; more important is the strategy. aunt going alone on nieces sponsorship may not be a good strategy. What about your uncle?
    will your mother be accompanying her ?


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply Peace999,

      My aunt is a widow and has 1 son and 2 daughters all settled in India.Actually my mom already has visitor's visa and my aunt and my mom both plan to travel together to USA.My mom got visa in February and later my aunt showed her desire to travel with her, so now we plan to apply for her visa. Will it help if she mentions in her interview about my mom's visa and that they plan to travel together?


      • #4
        Going alone does not sound natural especially when widows find it difficult to get visitor visas in the first place.

        But now a lot depends on what your mother mentioned in her application in february. What did she mention when was she traveling and with who was she traveling.

        Also, is your aunt working and is her son working with good income?
        Last edited by peace999; 05-20-2014, 01:21 AM.


        • #5
          My mom had mentioned that she would be travelling alone in April.My aunt is a housewife and son doesn't have enough income to sponsor her trip.


          • #6
            Ok then , let her apply saying she wants to travel with your mother. In the form she must mention your mother as co-traveler and must take her visa copy to the interview.


            • #7
              Thanks again for the useful advice,

              Will they cross-check the travelling dates with my mom's application?If asked about the same , can my aunt say that my mom postponed the travelling? which she actually did due to personal reasons. If my aunt gets visa then they both anyways are going to travel together so I guess it would be the best to add my mom as co-traveler.
              Also, for my mom's visa my brother in India sponsored her trip, while for my aunt my husband is sponsoring the trip, is it ok? or my brother should be the sponsor for my aunt as well?

              Thanks again.


              • #8
                It is not a big issue as only one month of delay is there. If asked,She should be able to say that your mother postponed her trip as she wanted to go too.

                Frankly speaking, your aunt's chances may be 50-50, as she is a non-working widow with not so good finances and sponsorship from your husband ( a distant relative).
                If she had her immediate family member like son, fund the trip, it would be different.


                • #9
                  Yes, we did that for my mom and she got the visa. Now keeping fingers crossed for aunt's visa.

                  Thanks for all the help , you're doing excellent job!!

                  I'll give the feedback after finishing the visa process,thanks very much.


                  • #10
                    Hi ...

                    Did your AUNT got her visitor visa. Please let us know as we are also in the same situation.

                    Thanks and Regards,


                    • #11
                      Please let me know what happened to ur aunt visa.
                      Originally posted by a21052 View Post
                      Hi ...

                      Did your AUNT got her visitor visa. Please let us know as we are also in the same situation.

                      Thanks and Regards,





