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usmle step 2 cs

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  • usmle step 2 cs

    HI ALL.,
    I am a doctor graduated in march 2013.I am preparing fo usmle step 1.I have got a observership in usa and wanted to apply for us visitor visa.Observership 2 montha and exam 2 weeks.so i need10 weeks of visitor visa

    my drawbacks.
    1.I was moonlighting in a hosp for 2 months then i started to full time study.Now I dont have an employment -its been been more thAN 10 months without a job.
    2. i havent still given my step 1..hopefully will be giving in another 4 wweeks time

    On wat basis should i apply visa.

    ---> Can I say that i am unemployed and my father will sponsor for my expenses.I am going to say step 2 cs as the primary intension.will the question arise why am i not working for a year
    and for that if i say I am preparing for usmle.. will they ask my step 1 score??..I cant give bcoz i havent taken it.what should i tell the vo?

    ---> Or can I give a **** employment letter and leave letter..say them i am working+ primary intension as step 2 cs xam+ father as sponsor.
    Now will they the question that why cant i sponsor myself when i am working?

    Really confused..My obsie starts this august!! help me

  • #2
    You should not apply for step2cs until you have scores of at least one step ; either 1 or 2ck.
    with one step cleared the officers know you are serious about clearing the whole USMLE.
    And you should not apply with an unemployed status.

    Both can be strong reasons for denial and denial for step2cs is not uncommon . So change your plans.

    You can try for visa for only observership but they may or may not grant it to you.

    I would recommend focussing on your step 1 first and deferring your observership.
    With good step 1 scores you will be able to get other observerships.
    also show your own money for taking the step2cs ( employed status ). do not show dad's sponsorship.
    Last edited by peace999; 06-28-2014, 09:24 AM.


    • #3
      @peace999 thanks for ur valuble time..

      what if i show a proper employment letter and plan to take step 2 cs as my first exam...and i can also explain why i wanted to give step 2 cs in first attempt-

      Like " I got the observership from a prestigious university for AUG-SEP ..and so I would like to give my step 2 cs along with that because i dont wanna spend again for the trip

      to write step 2 cs??

      what say peace999??

      p.s- The observership the first opportunity for me..i cant think of saying no to observership.did lot of emailing and verification work for that.I will be so upset if i miss this opportunity
      Last edited by LOK; 06-29-2014, 09:40 AM. Reason: adding


      • #4
        I was not asked for any documents except passport. VO did ask me how long have I been working? I've not taken step1 or ck.
        He did ask me how long will I stay in us?(I told him 1 month) and he said Apka Visa Ho Gaya!
        Interview was over in 2 minutes.


        • #5
          Originally posted by delta View Post
          i was not asked for any documents except passport. Vo did ask me how long have i been working? I've not taken step1 or ck.
          He did ask me how long will i stay in us?(i told him 1 month) and he said apka visa ho gaya!
          Interview was over in 2 minutes.
          thank you delta..so relived seeing ur post.i am planned to stay for 3 months becoz of My obsie ..should i say 3 months or just one month i.e to stick on to exams alone?
          Last edited by LOK; 06-29-2014, 10:20 AM.


          • #6
            you will mention length of stay in your ds160. they will see it there before they ask you. so tell the truth?


            • #7
              Originally posted by delta View Post
              you will mention length of stay in your ds160. they will see it there before they ask you. so tell the truth?
              ok boss!


              • #8
                Got My Visa

                Hi all
                I just received my 10 year multiple entry tourist visa .

                Thanks peace and delta for your time!!





