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Extending stay in U.s. by going to Canada

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  • Extending stay in U.s. by going to Canada

    My mother has come to U.S. to stay with me. She got entry for 6 months. She wants to extend her stay which expires in December. I was planning on sending her to Canada to visit some relatives and hoping that she will get a new entry upon return to U.S. that will automatically extend her stay. I would like to know if that is possible. Has anyone ever had that experience? Also I was reading on the website that usually you would have to go outside of North America and come back to get a new entry. So pro **** ly not possible by going to Canada.
    Kindly let me know. Would greatly appreciate any information.

  • #2
    What you are thinking is an old story and US customs know people try to do that.

    Now they have this rule for some time;

    *If you go to canada or mexico for less than 30 days, the US immigration will not give you a new stamp but will admit you for the remaining time
    on your original I-94.
    *If you spend more than 30 days and try to re-enter , then your entry will be considered a fresh entry but that will very likely be denied for the reason
    of making two visits to US with a small interval.

    If she wants to extend her stay , she should file an application for that i.e. I-539, that is the correct way.
    It takes 3 + months to process so apply now .
    Last edited by peace999; 07-27-2014, 05:29 PM.





