I applied for B2 toursit visa from Dubai and it got rejected in May 2012. After that i have taken a lot of international travel to UK and Schwgen countries. Infact my one passport is filled with stamp.
Do i have any chance to again apply for B2 visa ? Its been two years. My stats are as follows.
i'm 31 Single, Indian guy. working in Dubai since 7 years and 2.5 years in present British firm. I have travelled Uk x 2 times (work & Holiday) , western europe on holiday (Italy, France, Switzerland, Vieena & germany) and Turkey x 3 times (work and holiday). Does this foreign travell is considered in some change in profile ?
My previous interview with VO
VO - hi
myself - Hello
VO - Whom you are visiting in US
myself - My cousin.
VO - Have you been to USA and where else have you traveled ?
myself - Only Turkey and Kuwait.
VO- Unforunately you dont qualify for visa.
I have a decent salary and appartment on lease and a loan for my car.
Please advise ? I was thinking of applying again and wanted to see NYE2014 in Times square.
I applied for B2 toursit visa from Dubai and it got rejected in May 2012. After that i have taken a lot of international travel to UK and Schwgen countries. Infact my one passport is filled with stamp.
Do i have any chance to again apply for B2 visa ? Its been two years. My stats are as follows.
i'm 31 Single, Indian guy. working in Dubai since 7 years and 2.5 years in present British firm. I have travelled Uk x 2 times (work & Holiday) , western europe on holiday (Italy, France, Switzerland, Vieena & germany) and Turkey x 3 times (work and holiday). Does this foreign travell is considered in some change in profile ?
My previous interview with VO
VO - hi
myself - Hello
VO - Whom you are visiting in US
myself - My cousin.
VO - Have you been to USA and where else have you traveled ?
myself - Only Turkey and Kuwait.
VO- Unforunately you dont qualify for visa.
I have a decent salary and appartment on lease and a loan for my car.
Please advise ? I was thinking of applying again and wanted to see NYE2014 in Times square.