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Need advice on my circumstances on getting B2 visa

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  • Need advice on my circumstances on getting B2 visa

    Hello Friends,

    I am a Pakistani, 35 years old and working in Saudi Arabia for more than 13 years. I and my wife have applied for US B2 Visa and our interview is scheduled on October 30, 2014 at 9:00 am. I just want an advice from you guys to guide me on my situation and circumstances of getting a US B2 Visa. Following are the details:

    1) I and my wife are planning to go to Las Vegas for tourism and New year this December. 2 weeks trip only. And I do have pure intention of coming back.

    2) I have two children, 8 years and 6 years and they are NOT traveling with us for this trip. They are going to stay with my in-laws.

    3) I had spent around 12 years with my previous employer and 1 year 8 months with the new employer here in Saudi Arabia. Both of them are very reputable companies.

    4) I earn around US$ 5,700 per month and Bank Balance is around US$ 16,000.

    5) I do not have any property under my name yet; however, I am paying handsome installments every month for two properties back in Pakistan.

    4) I do have extensive travel record like France, Belgium, Holland, Scotland, 2 times to England, 5 times to South Africa, Singapore, 2 times to Qatar, multiple times to UAE, countless travels to Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. They were mix between Tourism and Business. However, my wife only traveled to Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

    5) We are 4 brothers and no sisters. Second one is in Pakistan, third is in Australia and the last one is here with me in Saudi Arabia. Parents are in Pakistan and I am supporting them financially.

    6) We have no friends and relatives in US as of now.

    What do you guys suggest, do I have a solid ground of coming back and do my circumstances show that I have strong ties to my job and country that I am living in right now?

    I will greatly appreciate your inputs in this regard.


  • #2
    All seems ok except that you are not taking your kids. ( even if you wish to enjoy just the both of you , for the visa purpose it would be good strategy
    to take your kids with you). Visa officers think if you are going all the way to US for the first time, it is quite natural for the whole family to go.
    By the way, are you going through a package or just booked the hotels on your own?


    • #3
      Originally posted by peace999 View Post
      All seems ok except that you are not taking your kids. ( even if you wish to enjoy just the both of you , for the visa purpose it would be good strategy
      to take your kids with you). Visa officers think if you are going all the way to US for the first time, it is quite natural for the whole family to go.
      By the way, are you going through a package or just booked the hotels on your own?
      Thanks for your reply.

      Oh, well it seems I goofed up in this case. Frankly, my kids do not like long travels and they prefer staying with their cousins rather than tagging along with us.

      I did not book any package and booked the hotel on my own. Is there any problem with this?



      • #4
        Nothing you can do now. The info you completed on the form is what they read and decide.
        Just appear for the interview telling the truth. Since you are not going on a package, prepare a plan
        of all the places you will visit according to the duration you filled in the form.


        • #5
          Originally posted by peace999 View Post
          Nothing you can do now. The info you completed on the form is what they read and decide.
          Just appear for the interview telling the truth. Since you are not going on a package, prepare a plan
          of all the places you will visit according to the duration you filled in the form.
          This I really have to share with you. Four of my friends applied for the visa in the past month. Three of them (married), straight got rejected despite having strong ties. And the one who was recently married, no children, with low income and working in a non-reputable company GOT the visa. I don't know where it is going now.

          The one thing common I found out was the Blonde Visa officer who interviewed my friends who got rejected straight on their faces. The lucky one, had a man .


          • #6
            Outcome of my interview

            Hello Friends,

            I would like to thank this forum for the valuable information provided that really helped me in building up my confidence for the interview. You guys are awesome and doing a great job. May Allah bless you.

            So, here are excerpts from the interview that me and my wife attended today at 9:00 am:

            1st Window: [with a wide smile] Good morning!
            Me: [with much wider smile] Good morning! How are you doing?

            1st Window: I am doing great. Thanks. So, why are you going to US?
            Me: For tourism purpose and to catch up Christmas and New Year celebrations.

            1st Window: That's a great idea [smiled]. And your wife has a birthday after two days as well.
            Me: Oh yes! And we also have a wedding anniversary next month [smiled].

            1st Window: Wow! that is so great! [looking at my wife] You must be getting many gifts then?
            Wife: [Smiled] Oh yes!

            Afterwards, she took our fingerprints and asked us to wait outside until our names are called for the interview.

            While seated, we were seeing many people going in and coming out with their sorrowed faces and holding their passports in their hands. We were feeling sorry for them and waiting anxiously for our fate to be announced. There were actually two windows where interviews were being conducted. On the first window there was an American man who seemed to be very lenient and seemed he was not rejecting many. However, there was another window with an American Blonde lady and she seemed to be rejecting everyone. Though, both of them were taking their sweet time and spending around 10 minutes on each applicant. In the meantime, we were praying that we would not to be called by the blonde. However, it happened the other way and we were called by the blonde lady. My heart jumped to my throat at that moment. Well, we went inside the chamber and greeted by a loud 'Hi' from the VO. This is what happened afterwards:

            VO: Hiiiiii! [loudly]
            Me: Hello [with a big smile]

            She then bent towards the window and looked straight into my eyes.

            VO: How long have you been married?
            Me: It's going to be 9 years next month.

            VO: Do you have children?
            Me: Yes! we have two kids.

            VO: How long have you been in Saudi Arabia?
            Me: 13 years of adulthood and 6 years of childhood; total of 19 years. Since I was born here.

            VO: You earn around YYYY X per month? Is it?
            Me: Yes! I earn around YYYY Y to be exact.

            VO: What is this the first name of your company? [Then she posed like she is having trouble pronouncing my company's first name]
            Me: Well, it is YYYYY. This the new name and before it was ZZZZZ.

            VO: What do they do?
            ME: Answered accordingly.

            VO: Ohhhhhh! [After hearing my company's name since it is a government entity and quite famous as well]
            Me: [smiled]

            Then there came the golden words "OK! your visas are approved and you can collect your passports within five days". Wow! That was a relief since it seemed like she was rejecting everyone and I thought I would be rejected as well. We thanked her and came out. Interview finished in 2 minutes.

            She did not look at any documents that I had brought with me, not even my company's letter and my bank balance.

            Key points:

            1) You have to be confident in your answers.
            2) Maintain eye contact.
            3) Carry the documents with you since they are helpful in building confidence.
            4) Dress nicely.

            Best of luck to you all.

            Thank you peace999 for your valuable replies.


            Originally posted by sk1979 View Post
            Hello Friends,

            I am a Pakistani, 35 years old and working in Saudi Arabia for more than 13 years. I and my wife have applied for US B2 Visa and our interview is scheduled on October 30, 2014 at 9:00 am. I just want an advice from you guys to guide me on my situation and circumstances of getting a US B2 Visa. Following are the details:

            1) I and my wife are planning to go to Las Vegas for tourism and New year this December. 2 weeks trip only. And I do have pure intention of coming back.

            2) I have two children, 8 years and 6 years and they are NOT traveling with us for this trip. They are going to stay with my in-laws.

            3) I had spent around 12 years with my previous employer and 1 year 8 months with the new employer here in Saudi Arabia. Both of them are very reputable companies.

            4) I earn around US$ 5,700 per month and Bank Balance is around US$ 16,000.

            5) I do not have any property under my name yet; however, I am paying handsome installments every month for two properties back in Pakistan.

            4) I do have extensive travel record like France, Belgium, Holland, Scotland, 2 times to England, 5 times to South Africa, Singapore, 2 times to Qatar, multiple times to UAE, countless travels to Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. They were mix between Tourism and Business. However, my wife only traveled to Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

            5) We are 4 brothers and no sisters. Second one is in Pakistan, third is in Australia and the last one is here with me in Saudi Arabia. Parents are in Pakistan and I am supporting them financially.

            6) We have no friends and relatives in US as of now.

            What do you guys suggest, do I have a solid ground of coming back and do my circumstances show that I have strong ties to my job and country that I am living in right now?

            I will greatly appreciate your inputs in this regard.

            Last edited by sk1979; 10-30-2014, 07:50 AM.





