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Parents get visitor visa at Mumbai Consulate on Dec 1st

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  • Parents get visitor visa at Mumbai Consulate on Dec 1st

    My parents got the visitor visa to the US at the Mumbai COnsulate..My mom answered all the questions the CO asked as I was confidant on my moms answers rather than my Dad and It worked....Since my Mom started talking ...they kept asking her all the questions....My parents are visiting London first and then coming to US... ..Possible it was a plus point...and they had already got the london visa stamped last month....
    So thanks to immihelp...I prepared my parents based on this site...
    the questions were

    1)Why are you visiting US?
    To visit my daughter son in law and grandson. ALso We are going to London first for 3 months and then to US..
    2)Who is there in London?
    My sister
    3)What is your daughter doing in US?
    3)How long is your daughter in US?
    3 years
    4) Show me her details what you have
    My mum showed my passport copies(36 pages) and satrted removing other documents to show...and then she said its ok..I dont need any other documents
    4)Have you visited any other places abroad?
    yes we lived in Kuwait for 22 years
    5) You got your visa ..You will get it in the courrier ...congratulations

    They are yet to receive the passport...They got their visa just 3 hours back and I was so excited that I wanted to share this news on immihelp..


  • #2

    Before they come to US, consider buying visitor medical insurance for them, available for instant purchase at https://www.insubuy.com
    Immihelp Support
    No legal advice. Use at your own risk.

    Visa and Greencard Tracker

    Visitor Medical Insurance for your visiting relatives.


    • #3
      Congrates and a quick Question

      Did they sent all the papers to Visa center before the interview date? (including original documents?)


      • #4
        yes they submitted all the documents 3 weeks before the interview at the VFS office Mumbai...which included the originial passport , copy of paspport photograph,appt letter., dd of 2300/- rs., cheklist ...my parents had to carry only the supporting documents for the interview..


        • #5
          Thanks Prem, Does it included original birth certificate? (yours or your spouse birth certificate) So it safe to submit the originals other than application, DD to VFS before the interview?
          And they will return all the original after the interview?


          • #6
            oh dont worry, apart from the passport no originial documents were taken as far as I remember..they just took a look at he birht certificate.....





