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Which one to go for? F2 or B2 ? H1B-NSC denied twice.

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  • Which one to go for? F2 or B2 ? H1B-NSC denied twice.


    I started my career with Company X in 2007. My H1B was initiated in 2010 and the Visa is approved by Feb-2011 for a validity of 1 year till Apr-2012.
    I travelled to US on the same H1B in July-2011 and returned in Feb-2012. I resigned the Company X in Mar-2012.

    My H1B has expired in Apr-2012. I joined in Company Y in May-2012.
    Since I've been in US already and the petition is valid for 6 years, Company Y tried to initiate my H1B - Not Subject to Cap while I'm in India in 2013.
    Unfortunately there was a consular denial starting that the employer-employee relationship was not proper.
    Again in 2014, the same Company Y tried to process H1B-Not Subject ot Cap again and it was denied again with the same reason.

    I recently got married and my wife is studying in US. She is currently on F1.
    If I have to travel to US again, which visa would be better? F2 or B2?

    Any thoughts on this is greatly appreciated.


  • #2
    Better for what? F2 is for the spouse of a student and B2 is a visitor visa for a temporary stay. You cannot work on either visa.





