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Parents warned for frequent visits on tourist visa - what to do?

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  • Parents warned for frequent visits on tourist visa - what to do?


    On their current visit to the US, my parents were warned by the USCIS officer at the port of entry because of frequent visits in the last 2-3 years. The officer advised my parents to apply for green cards (I am a US citizen) since they were spending so much time in the US.

    Does anyone have an experience like the above? If so, what is the best way to handle this? My parents do not want to apply for green cards because they do not anticipate frequent visits in future. But, will such a warning create any issue if my parents visit me again in a year or so?

    Finally, is there a USCIS office where I could go to and find out more about what such a warning means (nothing was written on the passports, btw)?

    Any help / thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


  • #2
    The sort of advice or info you will receive really depends on how much time and how frequently your parents were in the U.S. A full six months a year consistently over several years, and/or 2 or more visits a year over a couple of years would normally justify a warning at the Port of Entry.

    --Ray B

    Originally posted by chakrabartis View Post

    On their current visit to the US, my parents were warned by the USCIS officer at the port of entry because of frequent visits in the last 2-3 years. The officer advised my parents to apply for green cards (I am a US citizen) since they were spending so much time in the US.

    Does anyone have an experience like the above? If so, what is the best way to handle this? My parents do not want to apply for green cards because they do not anticipate frequent visits in future. But, will such a warning create any issue if my parents visit me again in a year or so?

    Finally, is there a USCIS office where I could go to and find out more about what such a warning means (nothing was written on the passports, btw)?

    Any help / thoughts would be greatly appreciated.






