Most of the cases (that I had read from forums) are rejected even before Doc File is opened.
Most of our parents are honest about presenting what they know and nervous to face an interview that decides their plans to visit USA. The combination is not helping most of us.
Honesty: Some truth is always good to hide, though don’t lie.
Nervousness: Can we train out parents? Since we have a will we can find a way. Someone from these forums help us to train our parents to face these interviews and succeed in interviews to visit us in USA.
Any good inputs are always welcome by Just not me even everyone
Most of our parents are honest about presenting what they know and nervous to face an interview that decides their plans to visit USA. The combination is not helping most of us.
Honesty: Some truth is always good to hide, though don’t lie.
Nervousness: Can we train out parents? Since we have a will we can find a way. Someone from these forums help us to train our parents to face these interviews and succeed in interviews to visit us in USA.
Any good inputs are always welcome by Just not me even everyone