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My B2 visitors visa got refused second time,

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  • My B2 visitors visa got refused second time,

    Hi guys, i am from chennai, on 05/27/2015 me and my wife went for a second visitors visa interview, as our first one was refused under 214b, but now again VO refused my visa under 214b but with one twist, he gave me a case number states as 2015-M6-I-751 in the blue form without any tick on any column under the 221g section and the VO said you just check in detail about this case number, and he also said me to travel to asia, europe and then apply to US, but when i said to VO, its my wife dream to visit america sir, he said you may apply next time you might get.

    Can anybody help me out, what i have to r do, is it i have to re apply or what to do?

  • #2
    Sorry about your denial.

    We can be more helpful if you describe your situation. Try to put yourself in the Consular Officers shoes, would you have approved or denied your visa application?

    For many people, living in America is a significant improvement over their current life in their home country.

    In what way is your life in your home country so good, that you would be compelled to return? Perhaps we can help you better articulate that to the Consular Officer at your next visa interview.





