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Do I need Direct Airside Transit Visa while traveling from ahemdabad to Chicago?

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  • Do I need Direct Airside Transit Visa while traveling from ahemdabad to Chicago?

    My parents are traveling to Chicago on the route of mumbai-london(Heathrow)-Chocago. They have valid Indian Passport and H1 USA visa valid till 2024.
    They will land Heathrow at 6:00am local london time and will depart at 12:00 noon local london time from Heathrow airport only.
    They will have to go to terminal 2 from terminal 4 after arrival at Heathrow airport.
    Do they need transit visa or not ?
    Please reply me as soon as possible.
    Thank you.

  • #2
    Himanshu - US don't issue H1 visa for more than 3 years at a time. Not sure how their visa is valid till 2024. I've travelled through London multiple times, as long as they've VALID & STAMPED US visa with UNEXPIRED passport, I don't think there is need to be worried.


    • #3
      Looks like Himanshu is confused to visitor visa to that of H1 visa. I feel that his parents are holding B2 visitor visa which in most cases issued fro 10 years


      • #4
        Is Air Transit Visa needed for B2 Visitor VISA?

        Hi Himanshu,

        My parents are also travelling on B2 Visitor visa on Oct 19 from India to USA. Was your parents asked for transit visa in Heathrow airport (London)?

        I would appreciate your earliest response.

        Thanks & Regards,





