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B1/B2 Toursit Visa

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  • B1/B2 Toursit Visa


    I have a B1/B2 visa valid till December 2016, I visited US once way back in 2006 on official visit as the visa was sponsered by my company. Now my wife is visiting USA for official purpose on her own B1/B2 visa, i would like to take this oppurtunity and visit her for almost 10 days as a tourist, during her stay there. Do i need to do anything for the same like :-

    1. Do i need to carry any specfic document
    2. Do i need to buy insurance
    3. Do i need to produce my financial statements at the immigration while i land in US, to show how do i support myself during my stay
    4. Do i need to show where will i be staying, coz I will be staying at the same hotel where my wife will be putting up, i will not have any sponser letter or hotel bookings
    5. Do i need to delcare that my wife is also in USA, and i will be staying with her during my stay, do I need to provide her details also ?
    6. Do i need to answer them also that what all places will i be visiting or travelling within USA as a tousirt

    it would be really if someone can help me answer my queries as i am in big dilemma and i do not want to miss this oppurtinity.


  • #2
    If asked, you should tell truth about your wife's visit to USA. Regarding any tourist places or hotel etc, just answer truthfully.

    Yes, you should buy travel insurance, available for instant purchase at https://www.insubuy.com

    Other than that, your passport with valid visa is sufficient.
    Immihelp Support
    No legal advice. Use at your own risk.

    Visa and Greencard Tracker

    Visitor Medical Insurance for your visiting relatives.


    • #3
      B1/B2 Toursit Visa


      Thanks a lot for responding, I will certainly buy the medical insurance before tarvelling. And will have the details of my wife's hotel will keep handy and if asked about the same will provide them. Thanks.

      Is there anything else that i should take care of ?





