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Sponsoring Visitor visa for my mother

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  • Sponsoring Visitor visa for my mother


    I have got H1B visa recently. I will be traveling soon. I have widow mother. I want to take her with me.
    I have few questions. I am travelling for the first time.

    1. Can my manager in US sponsor for my mother? My manager is ready to sponsor.

    2. Else, Can my brother-in-law in India sponsor? As I do not have sufficient India income.
    My Brother-in-law will not be travelling.


  • #2
    Sponsoring Visitor visa for my mother

    Anyone can sponsor anyone so brother-n-law or manager, either should be fine.

    This is my opinion and not legal advice. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk.


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply,

      If case of my manager is sponsoring should my mother tell the purpose of traveling as tourism or can she tell that she wants to travel with me. I just want to make sure that her Visa gets through.


      • #4
        Couple of more questions. Need answers asap

        Hi Friends,

        I was going through the sponsor documents to be provided for visitor VISA.
        They have mentioned as need Bank statement for last six months.
        I have come to US recently and planning to bring my mother here in couple of months.
        Is it ok if I provide bank statement for two months?

        Second question, My mother does not have a surname. Only first name is mentioned
        even in her passport. But surname is mandatory filed in the DS 160, so I am not able to fill the application. Is there any solution for this?

        It will be very helpful if I get an early reply.



        • #5
          In that case you can provide last two months bank statements.

          If she doesn't have last name you can enter LNU (last name Unknown or Undefined)
          This is not a legal advice. Use at your own risk.





