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Did he get a visa?

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  • Did he get a visa?

    my father-in-law had his 2nd interview today the 23rd (the previous one lacked certain documents).

    The CO had asked only two questions, took his passport, a few supporting doucments and said it would take some to issue the visa stamp. They said they'd call him when its ready.

    My questiion is - what exactly did the CO mean by his statement. Does it mean that his visa was approved and granted or would they do further verification with the supporting documents and then give a decision?

    Or would this be a simple case of visa backlog? btw, this is mumbai cons.

    Last edited by mercury; 01-23-2006, 03:58 PM.

  • #2

    They generally take time only if it requires any further investigation or something like that they call. Where they do some background check etc etc.

    I haven't heard of any backlog as such for stamping. Didn't they issue any letter or note or reference #? Did they take his passport or returned it to him?


    • #3
      did he get a visa?

      They kept his passport and a few supporting documents such as my employment offer letter, I-134. The CO expressed regret due to delays caused by backlog and said they'd call when the passport would be mailed.

      What 'backlog" is he referring to? i wonder.



      • #4
        If the CO asked to pay the visa issuance fee, your visa is on the granting status. Some times CO will retain the docs for further verfication too.


        • #5
          did he get a visa?

          well, as it turned out all the documents were returned after all (after verifying selected docurments).

          The CO then cautioned about the visa issuance delay (due to backlog?) and that he would be notified after the visa has been issued.

          The visa issuance fee was already paid and fingerprinting done during the prior visit.

          are these the proper procedures at the mumbai cons or am i missing something here.



          • #6

            if they have asked him to pay the visa issuance fees then he would get the visa.





