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Reschedule Questions - Please help

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  • Reschedule Questions - Please help

    I went through the previous posts in this valuable site and got some info on rescheduling appt.

    We booked a appt for June 6th at Chennai yesterday and immediately after that it showed me 10 dates avail. in May while I was just checking. I tried to reschedule since its giving me almost a month difference and by the time I got through all the screens and landed at reschedule, it showed 2 dates in May avail. 15, 16. I took the 15th. I am due for my first baby in July and hoping this would be fine but still would prefer a earlier appt, to give chance for a retry if rejected.

    When I checked later, it showed a March only 1 day appt. I tried to reschedule and it said as expected that a cancel is needed before a reschedule since its second attempt. Well, since between the time you see the avail. dates and the reschedule screen I saw a difference of 10 dates to 2 dates, I could not take chance with only 1 avail. date with the fear of what if I loose my May 15th date due to the cancel and also the avail. date of March is not really avail. when I am at the point of fixing the appt? Please share your experiences on the same and if it is safe to keep the current appointment only.

    Would it make sense to keep watching for a lot of dates avail. in a month and only then cancel and reschedule?

    Also is there any way I can parallelly input the forms again for the reschedule appt. to save some time? I am sure if we start entering all the details after the save it is going to take long time and the dates could be gone by then. Please help if any had luck on these and could tweak the system.

  • #2

    personally don't think it is worth taking the risk. Anyways you are due in July so May should be fine. You have enough time for your parents to plan and make their trip after the visa is issued.





