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Ways to return to USA after voluntary departure?

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  • Ways to return to USA after voluntary departure?

    I lived in the USA for 10 years with parents with overstayed visa. At 17, me and my family voluntarily departed to Europe 5 years ago. I know that the 10 year ban doesn't apply to me since I was underage but does that mean I'm not qualified for any type of visa? What's the point of not having a 10 year ban if I can't get a visa? Would I be able to visit? Do I have any chances of becoming a permanent us resident or is marriage the only way? I consider US as my home and I can't imagine living anywhere else. Sorry if this thread doesn't belong here but I need answers.

  • #2
    10 years ban means you can't enter in USA for 10yrs. After 10 yrs you can apply for visitor visa and try to provide whatever documents you have that justify your overstay.
    This is not a legal advice. Use at your own risk.





