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Father's visa approved!

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  • Father's visa approved!

    Hi everybody,

    My father's visa was approved today at chennai consulate(02/16/06). This was his second attempt after he was rejected a visa in November, 2005 on the basis of 214b. Myself and my other 2 siblings are in the US. So it was rejected based on the fact that all his 3 children are in the US. My mother was given in a multiple entry visa in May, 2005.

    My father is working as a consultant after retiring from Government Service. We had not mentioned this during the first attempt as his contract was under renewal. But this time, we showed that he is working. Also, we showed all his financial assets(house,deposits etc).

    The questions the CO asked were:

    My brother(sponsor) had written a letter to CO requesting to issue the visa and also stating reasons why my father would go back to India after the visit. Also, my father had himself written a letter stating why he would not stay in the US forever.When he tried to give these 2 letters to the CO, the CO interrupted and said that he has no time to read the PURANA and MAHABHARATHA.

    1. CO: So, all your children are in the US??? (this shows that the CO had the history from the last interview)
    Father: Yes.

    2. CO: Last time you said that you are retired and now you are saying that you are working??? Why didnt you mention about your work during the last visit?
    Father: I was working from October, 2004 after retiring from the government service. I did not mention during the last interview because the contract was under renewal process.

    3. CO: How much do you make?
    Father: YYYY X

    4. CO: I suspect that you will not return after your visit.
    Father: explains about his job, assets etc and says he will return.

    Then the visa was approved. I just got this brief information now. I will let you know when I get more info. Will also let you know more about the time period when we get his passport.


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