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Can I change DS-156 form ???

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  • Can I change DS-156 form ???


    I have already taken an appointment for my parents in April 2006. I took the appointment online thru http://vfs-usa.co.in. Now, I need to make a change in form DS-156. I am currently on F1 and I was hoping to get my H1B by April(before they attend the interview) and so mentioned my visa status as H1B in DS 156, but now I got my H1B with the effective date from June 2006. I need to modify the DS 156 form to change my visa from H1B to F1. Can I change it now? If I change that online, will the CO know that I have changed it. I was worried because this change must not make the CO suspicious about my visa.

    Note: My husband is sponsoring for my parents and he is on H1B.

    Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    You can change it. No problem.
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    • #3
      How/where can you change DS-156?

      Hello both,

      How can we change our DS-156. I can not change it on VFS website. May be I should go to US chennai consulate wesite and fill up a new form. But the bar code changes completely then. I am little confused. Any help is highly appreciated.

      Thank you


      • #4
        Ur appln will be saved on vfs site for one month. Not all fields are editable.
        To modify DS156/157:

        Go to VFs site

        click on 'Aplly for non-immigrant visa' link
        Enter passport details and receipt no.
        U will see a link that says 'retrieve/modify' appln.

        To correct NON Editable fields, u will have to take a new printout and fill all fields manually. Let the officer know of these (manual) changes


        • #5
          Thanks a lot

          Thank you for you suggestion. It worked.





