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Was anyone able to prepone appointment from VFS website?

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  • Was anyone able to prepone appointment from VFS website?

    Has anyone been able to reschedule and pull forward an interview appointment using the VFS website? Its not working for me. Though I see
    April/May/June slots open up occassionally when I go to reschedule it does'nt
    show there. Is it possible that reschedule is allowed only from India and their server detects if it is a request from outside it does'nt let you do it?

  • #2
    Someone else is taking away that appointment slot before you can grab it.

    There is no difference whether you look at from India or US.
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    • #3
      You are wrong Mr.Administrator. The reschedule calender does not show the earlier date while the other calender to check availability continues showing the earlier date even after closing the browser and logging back into VFS site. If someone else has taken it away it should not show in availability.
      There is something definitely goofy going on here.


      • #4
        Do not only dependent on the first availabilty calendar. Once you make the appointment with the HDFC barcode the real avaialbility you can see and able to click and confirm.


        • #5
          Also remember ...

          ... the shown free slot can be for a single person and once you log on and your party is for more than 1 person then that slot will not be shown to you when you click on "reschedule" !


          • #6
            Never heard of this. Can you please let me know if you had the same experience?? Is it tough to reschedule when the party is more than one. I was under the impression if one slot is available then that is sufficient for the resceduling even if we have a joint applicant.Because I am planning to book a slot for my parents together and thought I can prepone to some earlier date .


            • #7
              He may be right about single slot not being offered to joint applicants for rescheduling otherwise I can see no reason why rescheduling is not working other than some bug with the site. In my case I have a joint application.
              Just a few minutes back I saw a May 12th open date from availability calender but reschedule did'nt show it. I closed all browser windows, waited 5 minutes and started a fresh browser window and it still showed May 12th open. Tried reschedule again but that did'nt show this date. Something really weird.


              • #8
                are you trying English or regional language??
                Yesterday I tried to reschedule regional language appointment for my in-law ( single applicant) and it worked. Had to be really fast though.
                But I am just wondering about this two ( joint ) applicant case. It would be nice if some one can confirm with their experience on rescheduling for joint applicants.


                • #9
                  Well, when you click on reschedule tab it does'nt ask for language because you can't change it anyway, whatever language you first booked the appointment remains. I took English language slot for my folks.





