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Visa for Ukrainian Visitor

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  • Visa for Ukrainian Visitor


    I have a long term friend who lives in the Ukraine.
    She is married and has a 15 year old son.
    She is also working at the worlds biggest Jewish community center and would like to visit me to go to the Jewish centers here besides other sightseeing tours.
    Last year she was trying two times to get a visa to visit me here in the USA.
    Both applications have been denied.
    Now, we would like to try it again, but this time I would like to sponsor her with an Affidavit of Support and an invitation letter from the Jewish communities.

    Do you think it will get denied again no matter if I sponsor or not?

    Thank you for your help and opinion.

  • #2
    Is her husband planning to travel with her?


    • #3
      Originally posted by daggit View Post
      Is her husband planning to travel with her?
      No, he is staying at home. The son has school.


      • #4
        Ukrainian women, married or otherwise, are considered high risk for a visitor visa. Thank the previous visitors who 'forgot' to return home to Kiev. A stack of documents will likely never be looked at. But if money is not an issue, she can try as often as she likes. After two denials, I wouldn't hold my breath though!


        • #5
          Chances are quite low.
          - I am not an Attorney, hence not giving any legal advice. Just sharing MY opinion with an intent to help others.

          If my opinion helping you, then please do click "like" button below.





