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B2 VISA application for Wife with me going on B1

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  • B2 VISA application for Wife with me going on B1


    I have a 10 years valid B1 VISA. I got it done by my previous employer and I was in US for 2 weeks 1.5 years back.
    Now i am visiting US again with my new employer for 2 months.
    So I plan to call my wife for 1-2 weeks in the end (as she is working and wont get so long leaves) and visit around some places. My wife does not have any VISA and will have to apply for B2 tourist VISA.
    Here are my questions:

    1. As my VISA was processed by previous employer, will there be some problems for me at the US immigration when I reach there?
    2. For my Wife, will it be ok and easy to get B2 tourist VISA? I heard it will be really tough.
    3. Do I need to accompany my wife for VISA processing at the American Consulate? I have to leave early & there are chances, her interview for VISA will be scheduled after I leave for US. Will there be any problem?
    4. Any specific DO's and DONT's I should take care for all these things I planned.

  • #2
    1. Is there any annotation?
    2. It should not be any problem. She is working so get letter from employer, tax returns and financial documents.
    3. No. You don't need to be present at her interview time.

    More information on visitor visa process,
    This is not a legal advice. Use at your own risk.





