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My mother-in-law wants to be at my wife's delivery, shall she tell the true purpose?

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  • My mother-in-law wants to be at my wife's delivery, shall she tell the true purpose?

    Hello everybody

    I am on J-1 scholar visa and my wife has a J-2 visa. We live in Boston.
    She is expecting a baby after 5 months from now.

    My mother-in-law wants to visit us in the delivery period to support her daughter and see the baby.
    So she want to apply for a B-2 visa.

    We have a comprehensive medical insurance (blue cross).
    My wife's doctor has written a letter to the US consulate confirming that my wife is receiving care at the medical center, confirming the delivery date, and stating that my wife is asking for her mother to come.

    My wife's friends here have given mixed advice. some said that your mother should definitely give this letter and state the purpose, while others said that the mother should never state that she is arriving for delivery.
    What shall my mother-in-law do? shall she tell the consulate that she is coming to support her daughter for delivery and give the letter?

    I highly appreciate your help because this is very confusing.

    Best Wishes,
    Last edited by ma2187; 06-03-2016, 02:02 PM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by ma2187 View Post
    My mother-in-law wants to be at my wife's delivery, shall she tell the true purpose?
    Umm.. yeah!
    Because anything other than stating the true purpose to the US govt is, well, untruthful. Not being forthcoming is not worth it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by daggit View Post
      Umm.. yeah!
      Because anything other than stating the true purpose to the US govt is, well, untruthful. Not being forthcoming is not worth it.
      Thanks for answering.
      Well, 'tourism and seeing family' includes supporting your daughter during delivery.
      We are not planning to lie if they asked 'are you going for your daughter's delivery?'. But, does it harm the application if she declared that in the beginning of the interview?


      • #4
        Just go with the flow. I wouldn't wanna be coached for a job interview, a similar concept applies here imo.


        • #5
          Tell the truth. It's a perfectly valid reason for traveling. Who wouldn't want to be there when their grandchild is born? This also helps to explain why she might want to stay in the USA a longer-than-normal amount of time.


          • #6
            Thank you guys.
            My mother-in-law has recently applied for the B2 visa stating that she wants to support her daughter during delivery and she got the visa within two days
            Last edited by ma2187; 09-09-2016, 03:34 PM.





