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HELP! How do I let the Embassy know they made a mistake?

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  • HELP! How do I let the Embassy know they made a mistake?

    I applied for a B visa in March and was refused on May 31. Embassy cited 212(A)(i)(a)(i)(II) which states convictions for controlled substances however, I have NEVER been arrested or convicted for any offence relating to controlled substances. I have a single arrest on my record resulting in a caution for a misunderstanding which the Embassy are well aware of and dismissed - the offence was that I had used a rental vehicle longer than the contracted period but I had left my credit card on file in case I needed the vehicle longer. The rental company failed to bill my card and their automated systems reported the vehicle as stolen, so I was arrested but I produced the contract and was released 2 hours later with no charges.

    My problem is that I have been notified of the refusal and reason but I now need to point out the error to the Embassy. I have emailed them several times (as has the medical examiner) but I have received no reply or acknowledgement. I am trying to get to the US to visit my 4 year old son who I have not seen in 2 and a half years - he was taken into foster care at the beginning of 2014 when his mother was arrested. The Embassy know all of this yet I am constantly being delayed and now their decision for a simple visitor visa has been adjudicated wrongly.

    DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY EXPERIENCE OR ADVICE ON HOW TO LET THEM KNOW? The Embassy in London will not take calls and only has a contact form on their website which I have not received any contact back from. This is unfair and although I am sure it is only an administrative error, it is affecting my US Citizen son badly. He wants his daddy to come see him and I can't until this is rectified. ANYONE, PLEASE HELP!!




