My mother got her visa on March 3rd at Chennai. Earlier on Feb 15th her visa was rejected cos (a) I am the only child (daughter) (b) my dad is no more and they didnt think she had enough ties to return. I struggled for 2 weeks to get another apt. for her with a Tamil translator so that she could say that she didnt quite understand the counsellor's questions because of the accent. I managed to get an apt for March 3rd. This time she was interviewed by an Indian gentleman. He was very nice to her and actually read through the letter I had written to the counsellor highlighting the reasons why she would go back to India and also the fact that she had been here before and left much before the stipulated time. The officer asked the same questions she was asked before and she was better prepared this time. Funny thing is, when my mother went up to the counter, he said there was no translator and that they would try to manage somehow. That sounds odd to me especially after I struggled so much to get a Tamil apt. through the world's most user unfriendly site (VFS).
So only children, do not lose heart. Its just a matter of luck. If you get the right officer luck is on your side. Also if your parents are going for a second interview, do write a letter to the counsellor. They may or may not read it - but if they do, in most instances, they react positively if you word it well.
So only children, do not lose heart. Its just a matter of luck. If you get the right officer luck is on your side. Also if your parents are going for a second interview, do write a letter to the counsellor. They may or may not read it - but if they do, in most instances, they react positively if you word it well.