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Please Help! Mom's visa denied in South Africa😭

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  • Please Help! Mom's visa denied in South Africa😭

    Hi All, I need advise please because at this point I cannot think straight because I have been crying all morning. My mom went for her visitors visa interview this morning In Cape Town, South Africa. The officer denied her after asking just 4 questions.
    -Where do I live in the US?, How Long have I lived here?, do I have any kids, does my mom work back home?
    After answering all the question correctly, but mostly honestly. He told her he can't grant her the visa, he didn't even bother looking at her paperwork.

    I am getting married in September and since non of my family can make it. The only person I really wanted to be here and walk me down the isle was my mom.
    Also, my mom is unemployed, because my youngest brother have a disability so she had to leave her job 15years ago to take care of my brother.

    Filling out my moms application online. I filled to be her sponsor. Sponsoring her trip and 1 month stay in the US. However, my mom did not mention that she was coming for the wedding.

    Question is can she apply again? If so, when? And what can I do different when filling out the application again this time around.

    Any suggestions and help would be greatly appreciated

    Thank you

  • #2
    Who will take care of your brother if your mom were to travel to the US for a month?


    • #3
      Originally posted by daggit View Post
      Who will take care of your brother if your mom were to travel to the US for a month?
      My mom's sister.


      • #4
        She can try again, any time she likes. There is no time restriction.
        Obviously she can't change facts, aka lie.. but show strong(er) proof of ties to South Africa that would force her to board the plane and return home.





