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Applying for Visitor Visa-Engaged to an American,Wedding in Philippines

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  • Applying for Visitor Visa-Engaged to an American,Wedding in Philippines

    My fiancé is an American. We are both living in Paris. He works in Paris for 4years now, and I am a student here for 2 years.

    I am planning to visit the US to have a tour and meet his family on November. We are getting married in the Philippines on December and we have receipts of the wedding preparations. And after the wedding we will return to Paris.

    So basically there is no need for me to apply for a Fiancé Visa since we are not getting married in the US and we plan to stay in France.

    I will be applying the Tourist Visa with my family and we have a packaged tour that we availed.

    Can I apply for a Tourist Visa and just present our packaged tour and NOT mention anything about visiting my fiancé's family?
    Is there a way that they will find out that I am engaged to an American? Probably via ********?
    What could be the risk?

    Or should I just tell them everything, that I have an American fiancé, and have no plans in staying the US?

    The reason why I don't want to mention anything about my American Fiancé is to ensure that I will get my Visitor's visa.

    -my American fiancé has an employment contract for 2 years in France
    -I am enrolled to my language school until next year in France
    -I am a part-owner (shareholder) in my family's company in the Philippines
    -both of us has a temporary residency card in France
    -Travelled to Australia and Europe several times
    -This is my first US Visitor's visa application, got denied with a Business Visa application 4 years ago

    I hope you could help me. Thank you in advance.

  • #2
    Be honest and truthful. If visa officer ask the question on the purpose of this visit then reply accordingly.
    This is not a legal advice. Use at your own risk.





