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  • I134

    My parents are going for an interview on May 3rd. The list of required document says that I have to produce 2 I134's for my parents - one for each(Mom and Dad).

    Assume that I plan to show $10000 as my savings for both of 'em should I mention $5000 in my mom's I134 and $5000 in my Dad's or just $10000 in both I134.

    My parents VISA got rejected once on Jan 3rd 2006 where in I mentioned $10000 on both the I134.

    Please could someone give me some suggestions regarding this.

  • #2
    The bottom line is you have $10000 in your account...so write 10000 on both I-134 & right next to it write 5000 for mom on her I-134 & 5000 for dad on his I-134...& also tell your parents to tell officer (if asked) you have total 10000, 5000 for each of us...


    • #3
      5K on each.


      • #4
        i think u should follow VisaChief001's instruction since he is a senior member...Good Luck...


        • #5
          I think you should just write 10000 in both I 134.


          • #6
            Now anandjun, you must be really confused...obviously, more suggestions will give you more ideas on this question..also, look for Immigration Attorneys in yellow pages or local desi news paper...some offer "Free Consultation" over the phone....you might wanna try that as well...


            • #7
              For the same family (father, mother and children), u need only ONE I134. Put $10K in that.... I did that for my parents as well as in-laws.
              Last edited by dahlia; 03-14-2006, 03:09 PM.


              • #8
                Does it really matter in case
                If i put my bank balance as $23k in both I-134.
                As, my parents are going for visa in mar. and i already send them I-134 where I mentioned $23k in both .
                And i have total balance of $23k in my bank account.


                • #9
                  You should put 23K in I134. I know this for sure because I sent papers for my parents and in laws two years in a row. Parents got 6 months VISA and in laws got 10 year VISA. There is no rule saying you have to split your savings by the number of people attending the interview. VisaChief can you please inform this group regarding the source of your comments. We should all make comments only on data that we know for sure and not just based on our guess.


                  • #10
                    If for both parents only one I- 134 is required and you can show the total bank balance on it. It there is two I 134 and one applicant in each split the balance.


                    • #11
                      Thanks for all your response. I am still confused after reading all your comments now I am going to back to square one. Should I show 2 I134's because I see someone mentioned that they went with one I134 and they were issued VISA. Please could you let me know regarding this. My parents VISA got rejected already so I have to do my level best to get them here.


                      • #12
                        Like I said, u need only one I134 for ur parents printed back to back on same paper.


                        • #13
                          Affidavit of Support Form I134 - Form Filling Guidelines

                          I-134 is known as affidavit of support form. This form must be submitted along with the application of visitor Visa if the trip is sponsored.

                          General instructions:

                          The form should be printed back to back on one single page.

                          Only one form required for one family (example: inviting parents). No need of separate form if inviting parents or in-laws.

                          The form must be Notarized by a licensed Notary person.


                          • #14
                            Awesome thanks for your immediate response. I am clear I will go with just one I134 and hope for the best. Thanks for all your response.


                            • #15
                              Just reading throught the post and i found that only one I-134 required for sponosring parents or inlaws
                              My husband is sponosring my parents
                              In that case we need only one I-134 whose name to be mentioned on line 3
                              As we can either write father's name or mother's name
                              Pl. guide





