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Need assistance in contacting the Senator/congressman for B1/B2 visa AP

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  • Need assistance in contacting the Senator/congressman for B1/B2 visa AP

    I have been under AP 221g for my B2 Visa since 3 months now, since my wife in is US and a green card holder. I am thinking of having the senator/congressman contacted in order to get some information on my AP and if possible get it expedited if its possible.

    Kindly let know of your experience in contacting the senator/congressman and what were the results. I am particularly looking for experience with senator/congressman of Texas.

    Moreover so what is the right procedure of contacting these officials, emails? calls?

  • #2
    Sometime it helps but there is no guarantee.

    Please read more information for senator and congressman help after visa refusal at,
    This is not a legal advice. Use at your own risk.


    • #3
      There are some things that glaringly stand out in your case. You said your wife is a green card holder, but you have no IV petition pending. You're seeking a B2 visa to be with her while you're already under AP.

      You have posted in another thread; please keep to one thread per topic.


      • #4
        Originally posted by jnk View Post
        Sometime it helps but there is no guarantee.

        Please read more information for senator and congressman help after visa refusal at,
        ok but even if they do help...what kind of assistance do they provide and can they expedite it somehow?

        - - - Updated - - -

        Originally posted by daggit View Post
        There are some things that glaringly stand out in your case. You said your wife is a green card holder, but you have no IV petition pending. You're seeking a B2 visa to be with her while you're already under AP.

        You have posted in another thread; please keep to one thread per topic.
        well those are facts...if i had applied for the IV then its ok for them to think that i might just stay there but now i dont know what is keeping them thinking for so long...how much more time would they require??





