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Entry Denied and Visitor Visa Cancelled at peace bridge buffalo need assistance

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  • Entry Denied and Visitor Visa Cancelled at peace bridge buffalo need assistance

    I recently completed my graduation from a Candian University and was looking for new jobs. I received an offer and am about to start working in the great company in Canada starting September 12th. I obtained a valid work permit in Canada as part of the education program which is valid until next year(2017) and will be working towards my PR application. I had visited United states earlier on an L1 visa for a period of 6 months back in 2013 and had made few visits to the United States while I was on my student visa in Canada without any challenges. At this time I had a multiple entry 10 year US B1/B2.

    Below is the sequence of events that followed and I was denied entry to the United states followed by the cancellation of my B1/B2 visa.

    08/14/2016: Entered US through Bus transport from Canada.
    08/15/2016- 08/20/2016: Visited multiple cities with friends in the United States.
    08/21/2016: Rented a vehicle from the United States and travelled back to Canada for a job interview on 22nd.
    08/22/2016: After the interview, I travelled back to the United states through the rented vehicle but was stopped for document control at the Border and questioned about the reasoning of renting a vehicle in the United States and coming back again. I replied stating that since I am about to start a new career in a new company starting 12th September 2016, I was taking time off to meet some of my friends in the US and had to come urgently back to Canada for a job interview.After a few questions, I was allowed to enter the United States.
    08/28/2016: Left the United states on 28th August as my lease in Canada was ending in Toronto and since I was looking to start a new career in a different city in Canada I decided not to review my lease. I thought I will live for a few days till 9th September with my fiancee in the United States before taking a flight from the US back to Canada to start my career.
    08/30/2016: I packed all my belongings put them in a car (Rented from the United States) and left for the United States. At the point of entry, I was again asked questions about the lot of luggage that I was carrying and was sent for document control. Questioned by the immigration officer about my intentions to going to the US and about the luggage. Since I had not formally joined my new organization and did have either the return tickets or a lease agreement in Canada (as my current lease had just expired), I was refused entry in the United States and the officer cancelled my B1/B2 visa (writing Cancelled at Peache Bridge under 212CFR41.122(h)(3)). I was also asked to sign a form that stated the I am withdrawing my application for the visa. Upon further speaking with the supervisor, I was told that I am not able to demonstrate strong ties with Canada or my home country and therefore would be required to apply again through the consulate and at this time the immigrations officers don't feel fit to allow me entry to the United States.

    Please advise on this issue. I am not sure what went wrong as previously I have entered the United States multiple times without any concern. I will also be joining my new job in Canada starting September 12th and would like to know my eligibility and the best way to re-apply for a visitor visa.

  • #2
    Ironic that you spend most of your post claiming ties to Canada, but your primary question relates to "..the best way to re-apply for a visitor visa..".

    My advice.. consider strengthening your ties to Canada. Based on your post, you're unlikely to be issued a US visitor visa anytime soon; I see several flags. Not only were you denied entry, your visa was cancelled. Wait maybe a couple of years before applying.


    • #3
      Originally posted by daggit View Post
      Ironic that you spend most of your post claiming ties to Canada, but your primary question relates to "..the best way to re-apply for a visitor visa..".

      My advice.. consider strengthening your ties to Canada. Based on your post, you're unlikely to be issued a US visitor visa anytime soon; I see several flags. Not only were you denied entry, your visa was cancelled. Wait maybe a couple of years before applying.

      Thank you for the advice. The reason that my primary question was about re-applying was because my fiancee is studying in school at a US university and therefore I am worried that I will not be able see her while I am working in Canada. Furthermore since this has happened, I am also worried about my PR application in Canada as how this might affect it's status. Please advise on the matter as any information will be usefull.


      • #4
        Sorry to hear that

        Sorry to know that your visa was cancelled. However, reading your mail it is no surprise that it was cancelled. You made a series of bad choices and that lead to the denial. You should have been very cautious after the first time they questioned you. It is hard to have any sympathy for you, to be honest in the manner you acted. All your actions pointed to you leaving Canada and trying to settle illegally in US. Anyways, whats been done has been done. Hope you learn from it.

        My advice for you is that it is very difficult for you to get a visa in the immediate future. You will have to be patient and build your case now, which means it will take a couple of years. Stay and work in Canada during this time and forget US for some time, In the meantime your fiancee should visit you and not the other way. After a couple of years have passed, and you have ties to Canada, please reapply with all documents.

        Sorry, but I don't see any immediate solution to your visa problem.


        • #5
          What's your fiancé's legal status in the usa?


          • #6
            Originally posted by TarCas View Post
            What's your fiancé's legal status in the USA?
            She currently is on F1 but since she is completing her MBA and already has a job offer, her company is filing an H1B for her which will eventually be followed by the greencard process. What would you suggest?





