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sponsor query, pls help!

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  • sponsor query, pls help!

    i am new to this forum
    i am applying for B2 visa in August this yr to give usmle exam.
    actually my brother who is working in UK is going to sponsor me.will that be alright ? does that increase the chance of rejection?
    or should i get my parent to be my sponsor?
    can i sponsor myself(i am not working at the moment)? or
    can myself and my brother (both) be the sponsorer in this trip?
    i appreciate ur reply

  • #2
    If you can sponsor yourself , that will be the most favourable situation.That will indicate your good financial status in India and the likelihood that
    you will return. My advise is you do not say that you are unemployed.
    Show some home practice or something so the consular thinks that
    you have an occupational/financial base in India to which you will return.
    Show good incometax returns and good savings.

    If that is not possible,
    even your parents financing your trip will be ok but not your brother.
    If your brother sponsors you that will indicate to the consular that you or your parents are not well off financially, which is a point against the B1/B2 visa.

    Originally posted by asap31
    i am new to this forum
    i am applying for B2 visa in August this yr to give usmle exam.
    actually my brother who is working in UK is going to sponsor me.will that be alright ? does that increase the chance of rejection?
    or should i get my parent to be my sponsor?
    can i sponsor myself(i am not working at the moment)? or
    can myself and my brother (both) be the sponsorer in this trip?
    i appreciate ur reply





