Thanks to everybody in this site for anwering several questions and keeping tremendous amount of information in one place.
My father - in-law got the visa in Calcutta yesterday
--When you retired?
--How much is your pension?
--Do you have any other source of income (He did have from rent and bank interest)
--How many children you have and where they stay? (One is in India and his daughter is in USA)
--When your daughter went to USA?
--Do you have any financial dependency on your daughter?
--Will you come back from USA or will stay here?
--Visa is required for how much period (we applied for three months, he replied max three months).
Thanks again everybody here.
My father - in-law got the visa in Calcutta yesterday
--When you retired?
--How much is your pension?
--Do you have any other source of income (He did have from rent and bank interest)
--How many children you have and where they stay? (One is in India and his daughter is in USA)
--When your daughter went to USA?
--Do you have any financial dependency on your daughter?
--Will you come back from USA or will stay here?
--Visa is required for how much period (we applied for three months, he replied max three months).
Thanks again everybody here.