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Guideline please

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  • Guideline please

    Some times back I had asked for a E-mail iD of INS and President, USA.

    I request for further guidance in thismattr of gtting Visitors Visa for my wife whose request have been rejectd twice.
    Now at presnt I am in Unitd
    Stats with my daughtr. I am leaving on the 30th of May. I am (we are) contemplating taking my grand daughter who will be 5 years by 22nd June to India dor her holidays. Now my wife has an intrview at Chennai for Visa on the 3rd of August. My grand daughtr's school will start by end of August. If everythinhg going well and if my wife getss the visa it is very good. Now Can my daughtr and Son in law snd a letter or sponsorship documents saying that my wife hasto escort their daughter from India well in tim for the re-opening of the School.
    Everyb ody in India (Bangalore) ar eagerly waiting to see my grand daughter there as most of them are aged and cannot come to Unitd States. Most of them do not have the pass ports also.
    Pleae be kind enough to throuw some loight on this.
    **** **

  • #2
    No, the consular will look at it as an excuse rather than a real reason to
    grant a visa, especially since she has been refused twice.

    If you can provide the details of previous interviews , maybe we can look at what went wrong.

    Originally posted by **** **
    Some times back I had asked for a E-mail iD of INS and President, USA.

    I request for further guidance in thismattr of gtting Visitors Visa for my wife whose request have been rejectd twice.
    Now at presnt I am in Unitd
    Stats with my daughtr. I am leaving on the 30th of May. I am (we are) contemplating taking my grand daughter who will be 5 years by 22nd June to India dor her holidays. Now my wife has an intrview at Chennai for Visa on the 3rd of August. My grand daughtr's school will start by end of August. If everythinhg going well and if my wife getss the visa it is very good. Now Can my daughtr and Son in law snd a letter or sponsorship documents saying that my wife hasto escort their daughter from India well in tim for the re-opening of the School.
    Everyb ody in India (Bangalore) ar eagerly waiting to see my grand daughter there as most of them are aged and cannot come to Unitd States. Most of them do not have the pass ports also.
    Pleae be kind enough to throuw some loight on this.
    **** **


    • #3

      Don't think it is a good reason for requesting the visa.





