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Who will sponsor your trip?

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  • Who will sponsor your trip?

    Hi Friends,

    I found that this one is very common question asked for visitor visa. I am sponsoring my in-law's for visitor visa. While filling form DS 156 they have written 'Self' for question no. 28 " Who will pay for your trip?".

    What should they reply when CO ask above question? (Who will sponsor your trip?) If they say 'Self', CO may argue that sponsor's doc. should be from themsalves!!! or if they say son-in-law, CO may argue why you have written 'Self' in Q. 28!!

    Does Q. 28 means only travel exp.?
    Does sponsorer mean a person with whom you are going to stay?
    Or sponsorer is required just to show relavites in USA?

    Would really appreciate your answers.


  • #2
    Whoever sponsoring the applicant, they should be capable finanacially to suppot their entire stay in US. If any mistake in the application carry a copy of the correct one and explain to the CO.


    • #3
      Thanks VisaChief.

      Actually there is no mistake in filling form.

      My in-laws want to show that they are financially sound and can but tickets on their own. (thought such financial strength will help to show strong tie with home country). But other exp. like stay in USA, local trips will be taken care of by us.

      I have only confusion what should be answered if CO asks who is sposoring your trip? (as they are buying tkts on their own.

      Thanks for looking.


      • #4
        Just keep it simple ...

        Originally posted by guest_01
        Thanks VisaChief.

        Actually there is no mistake in filling form.

        My in-laws want to show that they are financially sound and can but tickets on their own. (thought such financial strength will help to show strong tie with home country). But other exp. like stay in USA, local trips will be taken care of by us.

        I have only confusion what should be answered if CO asks who is sposoring your trip? (as they are buying tkts on their own.

        Thanks for looking.

        Frankly your in-laws are going to get roughly 5-7mins in front of the CO so its better if their answers are less confusing.

        Just to keep it simple tell them to answer that their son-in-law is taking care of all expenses. And if they ask about why in the form they wrote "self" they can answer that they are capable of sponsoring themselves but that their son-in-law insisted on sponsoring their trip.

        Trust me, its better to avoid confusing the CO by telling him the details of what expense is going to be taken care of by whom ... just keep it simple, is my honest suggestion !


        • #5
          Thank you so much for your replies and suggestions.

          Will really consider them.

          Thanks again.


          • #6
            Wouldn't it be simple to have that entry changed if you still have time for interview. Why give something which you yourself know can attract more questions.


            • #7
              I cannot change forms as i did not apply online. This is first time my inlaws are applying and they were comfortable going thru agent. So they filled forms personally.
              Thats why i am more concerned. Agent suggest self sponsorship of trip will help to show strong financial status and ties with home country. but at the same time i am sending all sponsor papers. So i got confused. If we are lucky they may not be asked this question but this one is very common question and i thought we should prepare for it.

              Would really appreciate if you / anyone has any more suggestion.






