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surrendering green card and obtaining visitor visa for parents

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  • surrendering green card and obtaining visitor visa for parents

    My parents would like to abandon their green cards and obtaining a visitor visa . The nearest consulate for them is chennai , India.

    1 . I am a little confused about where to submit this form - Do i have to post the form to Delhi field office or can i surrender it in chennai consulate ? (https://www.uscis.gov/i-407 ) . It says locations with field office should send it via post to that office. We live in chennai where there is a US consulate.

    2. Will we get any sort of letter confirming the abandonment from the consulate ? any proof ?

    3 . While filling the visitor visa , they ask questions pertaining to green card status - "Are you a permanent resident of a country other than your country of origin (nationality) indicated above " . Should I answer this as "Yes" or "No" ?

    4. The visitor visa form also asks the SSN . Since my parents were GC holders , they have SSN . Should we fill this or leave it blank ( since people coming on tourist visas typically don't have any SSN)

    Thanks a lot !

  • #2
    1. At Chennai consulate, in person. Typically, you can surrender the green card and go for visitors visa interview at the same time.
    2. No.
    3. They will give you a copy of the form. They may put some stamp on it.
    4. You have to specify that SSN.
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    • #3
      Originally posted by immihelp View Post
      1. At Chennai consulate, in person. Typically, you can surrender the green card and go for visitors visa interview at the same time.
      2. No.
      3. They will give you a copy of the form. They may put some stamp on it.
      4. You have to specify that SSN.

      Thanks for the response !!

      1 -> So i just schedule a visitor visa interview and during the interview , just hand over the form for surrendering green card . Correct ?

      While filling the visitor visa application, they ask questions pertaining to green card status - "Are you a permanent resident of a country other than your country of origin (nationality) indicated above " . Should I answer this as "Yes" or "No" ? .





