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B2 Visitor Visa

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  • B2 Visitor Visa

    Hello There,

    I created a profile for myself to set up an appointment for visa interview. I added my son who is 10 years old as dependent. When I clicked continue button it did pop up a message as 'Are you under 14 years age' with yes and no buttons. As my son is under 14 years I did clicked Yes then it gave me a screen as congratulations you are eligible for interview waiver program. I understand that my son is eligible for Interview Waiver Program. But now I have few questions and I couldn't continue after this screen as I was not sure if it will let me book an appointment for myself. Myself and my son are applying for visitor visa to USA.

    So what should be my next step. We both need to have a separate profile. Remove him as a dependent from my profile.
    I need to attend interview to get my own visa. Looks like I need to drop my visa as well. So do I need to wait till I get my visa and then drop required documentation for him along with my visa. Can we choose to take child along with me to visa interview or is it mandatory to go with interview waiver program. Is interview waiver program for both finger print and visa interview itself. Please suggest as I could not proceed further because of the screen for interview waiver program. I tried to see if I could get some information from previously raised queries but couldn't get much help for step 7 process or may be I couldn't find it. I really appreciate all your help and waiting for your response.

    Thank you so much In advance!!




