I've read on various web pages that the length of time you can stay in the US is determined at the port of entry. My girlfriend was approved for a B2 tourist visa. The interviewer at the Embassy asked my girlfriend how many days she was going to stay. She said 60 and he asked her twice "are you sure" about the amount of days she plan to stay. We have now decided to stay for 75 days so I plan on booking our ticket for 75 days. Is there an annotation or any record that the interviewer makes at the Embassy to determine how many days my girlfriend can stay? What I mean is, she told the interviewer at the US Embassy she was going to stay 60 days but when we arrive in the US she will tell the Immigration Office at the Point of Entry she will stay for 75 days which will match our return ticket. Will the Immigration Officer at the Point of Entry see that's a contradiction of what she told the Interviewer at the Embassy?
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B2 visa length of stay
Originally posted by BROOKLYN357 View PostI've read on various web pages that the length of time you can stay in the US is determined at the port of entry. My girlfriend was approved for a B2 tourist visa. The interviewer at the Embassy asked my girlfriend how many days she was going to stay. She said 60 and he asked her twice "are you sure" about the amount of days she plan to stay. We have now decided to stay for 75 days so I plan on booking our ticket for 75 days. Is there an annotation or any record that the interviewer makes at the Embassy to determine how many days my girlfriend can stay? What I mean is, she told the interviewer at the US Embassy she was going to stay 60 days but when we arrive in the US she will tell the Immigration Office at the Point of Entry she will stay for 75 days which will match our return ticket. Will the Immigration Officer at the Point of Entry see that's a contradiction of what she told the Interviewer at the Embassy?