Hello, my name is Jay. I hope someone can help me understand something. My girlfriend and I live together here in the Philippines and we have a daughter and my daughter has her US citizenship. Last year, 2016, my girlfriend was approved for a B2 tourist visa, 1 entry for 6 months. We went to the states for Christmas and New Years and came back with no issues. We reapplied for another B2 visa in July and was denied. The same day she was denied I came home and completed another application and made another date and this time she was approved. This is the issue....under entries it says "M" which I know mean multiple entries. The issue date is 3 AUG 2017 and the expiration date is 30 NOV 2017. Under the annotation it says "visit boyfriend family" and under that it has the city,state where we primarily will be staying and under that it has "OCT-NOV 2017". My confusion is the issue date is 3 AUG 2017 but the annotation say's "OCT-NOV 2017. So does that mean we can't leave until 1 October?
Thanks for your input and clarification
Thanks for your input and clarification