I attended interview at the Embassy on 14th november 2017 for B2 visa to teavel for my brothers wedding. The interview went normal and the CO asked me couple of questions about my travel history, purpose of travel, family status and residence etc. CO Looked at the computer and made some notes and asked a few more questions. At the end of the interview the CO returned my passport and i got a 214b rejection white paper. Later i recieved and email for 221g aministrative processing additonal form. Since i have submitted the form. I believe since the first rejection 214b and later after two hours of my interview i recieved 221g i think they are doing something about my case.
I attended interview at the Embassy on 14th november 2017 for B2 visa to teavel for my brothers wedding. The interview went normal and the CO asked me couple of questions about my travel history, purpose of travel, family status and residence etc. CO Looked at the computer and made some notes and asked a few more questions. At the end of the interview the CO returned my passport and i got a 214b rejection white paper. Later i recieved and email for 221g aministrative processing additonal form. Since i have submitted the form. I believe since the first rejection 214b and later after two hours of my interview i recieved 221g i think they are doing something about my case.