Hi. I had applied for b2 visa to visit my brother who is on h1b. Being a govt employee in state revenue dept, interviewer rejected my visa. Questions asked were
Q purpose
A tourism
Q where you will stay
A xyz city state. Where my bro lives.
Q any relatives in US?
A said
Q where he is working and status
A said xyz co.n h1b
Q where do u work
A explained
Q how long
A explained .( 4 yes)
Q any one going with you or alone?
A my mother is accompanying me
Q she already has visa?
A yes already has b2 visa
Q have you ever been out of India
A never
Q are you married
A Not yet. ( age 30 yr)
After waiting for 1.5 minutes . refused my visa
What n where I miss dn know.
Q purpose
A tourism
Q where you will stay
A xyz city state. Where my bro lives.
Q any relatives in US?
A said
Q where he is working and status
A said xyz co.n h1b
Q where do u work
A explained
Q how long
A explained .( 4 yes)
Q any one going with you or alone?
A my mother is accompanying me
Q she already has visa?
A yes already has b2 visa
Q have you ever been out of India
A never
Q are you married
A Not yet. ( age 30 yr)
After waiting for 1.5 minutes . refused my visa
What n where I miss dn know.