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Parents Got Visa in 2nd Attempt

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  • Parents Got Visa in 2nd Attempt

    My Parents visa was rejected in Jan 2005. Like many others in the forum it was a big disappointment since after 8 years of being in US I didnt bring my parents and when they finally said ok we will come and visit US, their Visa was rejected on 214B

    Immediately I asked them to take new DDs and got a second visa interview appt for Jun 02nd. There was not much of a change from the irst visit in Jan and this visit. The only diff is we have our new baby.

    There are not many people who share 2nd / 3rd attempts and whether they got visa or not. I was following the site for sometime and after rejection I really lost interest and decided to send the same set of docs as last time and had very little hope.

    I was really worried on how I am going to convince my parents that they can go for third time if it gets rejected. But luckily the second time they got their visa.

    For those of you who are trying second/third time,
    Here is a little background info

    - I am here on a second 6 yr H1B term
    - My Father is Retired and 70 Yrs Old - No Pension - No Big Property in their name
    - My Mother is a House Wife
    - Two of my elder sisters are married and both settled in India with their kids
    - My Grandmother is with my parents
    - First time Visa Rejected on Jan3rd 2006
    - Second Interview I wanted have a gap of six months and took Apt on Jun2nd 2006
    - Sent the same set of docs the second time (as per Immihelp) similar to what I sent during the first time.
    - Told my Parents to tell the facts and the truth (I saw some posts saying that get some certificates or tell that working
    part time etc - In my opinion as lot of others say in this forum, we should not engage in such practices.. - This misuse will affect every other fellow Indians going for Visa and thats what results in rejection)

    Interview Q's (I dont want to say who interviewed, since I guess it is not fair to say a specific person always rejects visa or approves visa)
    - Who is in US ?
    - Who is in India ?
    - Asked my Mother about my grand mother (I wrote a cover letter on the reasons for why My parents will come back to India)
    - Asked my father about Bank Balance, Property Docs (the property in my wife's name and my name)
    - Which State are you going in US ?
    - Didnt see any of the Sponsor Documents.

    One thing I am not clear is why it was rejected first time and how it was given the next time without any changes on ties back home..

    Thanks to the Immihelp Site and the Members of this Forum.

    If any of you have any questions, let me know, I will try to answer them.

  • #2
    A small correction - First time it was rejected in Jan 2006


    • #3
      My mom is aslo going for visa second time on june 13th.But there is only 2 months gap between two appointmnets.This time i mentioned only 3 months.With out any reason they are rejecting visa's.I heard from some body that they are rejecting more cases becuase of money.(We are paying 5000 rupees for interview right this is going to consulate)
      I praying god may be she will get visa this time.In my case my mom is widow,has governmnet job, my brother is doing engineering in india and my mom has to take care of my grand mother.I told her to explain everything to the vO officer.Do you think this will help us this time?

      Did your parents showed cover letter before vO asked the questions or during the interview process.I also wrote cover letter by explaining all this.
      Is letter helped them lot between previous interview and 2nd interview?

      Last edited by member1; 06-02-2006, 06:00 PM.


      • #4
        A gap of 6 months is advisable for back to back interview. However, if you demonstrate your situation is changed than previous attempt and will have enough ties to come back to homecountry,it will be considered


        • #5
          Please give your suggestion


          Congratulations! Can you please let me know what you would do in the following situation?

          Since my wife doesn't work, I am going to sponsor visitor visa for my in-laws. I would like to know from you which occupation title should be put in the DS-156 application for the following situation...

          My father-in-law is 58 yrs old; my mother-in-law is 52 yrs old. He is doing a trading business. She is a housewife. But he runs the business on her name (meaning, she is the proprietor as per the company registration papers). Also only her name is on the tax returns. My question is, how should I put the occupation titles for both of them. I have only the intention of telling the truth, at same time I would like to make sure it is represented clearly to the consulate people without any confusion.

          The possible options I could think of...

          1. HE - Business, SHE - Housewife
          But the problem here is that he wouldn't be able to show any proof that he is doing business.

          2. HE - Business, SHE - Business
          She can show the proof but she wouldn't be able to answer any questions about business if she is asked.

          Please let me know what you think I should do in this situation. Any suggestions are welcome.

          Thanks in advance.

          - Virudhun


          • #6
            Member1, I think you can explain all the reasons why she will come back to India in the cover letter. My Parents gave the cover letter along with the docs when they asked for the Visitor Docs. I think it will be a good idea to give the letter even if they dont ask for any docs.



            • #7

              I think you can say exactly what they are doing right now, that your Father in Law is doing Business (Occpupation : Business) and Mother In Law as House wife and when they ask you can ask them to explain that the business is in her name. If you have all the tax docs proper then I dont think there will be any issue in this.


              • #8
                Can you please share that cover letter...


                • #9
                  Congratulations! and thanks for sharing the details with us. Can you please share the template of the cover letter you included.



                  • #10
                    sample letter available in this url https://www.immihelp.com/sample-reap...itial-refusal/


                    • #11
                      Here is a template, which is similar to the one in Immihelp site. Also I am not sure whether the letter helped in any way. Its hard to say why and how they reject/grant. So mostly its all Luck.



                      American Consulate General,
                      Chennai – 600 006

                      Sub : Issuance of visitor's visa to my parents

                      Dear Sir/Madam,

                      I, <Name>, work as a Programmer Analyst at <Company Name> located at <xyz> and earn <$> per year. My Parents Visitor Visa in <date> with a reason of 214(b). They are appearing for interview again now in <date>. They are visiting US only for seeing their Grand Son and for tourism purpose and they will not stay beyond the authorized time and I am taking the full responsibility and will ensure that they return back to India in time. I have given the following reasons on why they will return after their short visit to USA. I request you to kindly grant them a visa

                      Reasons on why my parents will return back to India (My Parents are carrying Document Proof for all the reasons)

                      1. They have not seen their grand son who is <> old.
                      2. My grand mother, who is <> years old and she is fully dependent on my parents
                      3. My two sisters both are married and settled in <place> and they often visit my parents and need their guidance in family matters.
                      4. My Parents also have two Grand Children years and they both are studying in Kinter Garden and they can’t stay longer in US without seeing them.
                      5. Property Details
                      6. Income Details, Rent Etc
                      7. Apart from my sister and my grand mother, my parents have many relatives living in India
                      8. My Father is old and he is not used to cold weather and he cannot stay in US during winter. That is the reason I am asking him to visit us during the summer.
                      9. My Mother’s sisters and brother’s and all their children live in India
                      10. My Father’s brothers and sister and all their children live in India

                      Yours Sincerely,






