Hi I am thinking of year off here Canada to USA perhaps in Texas for a year to work in USA from Sept 2019 until June 2020. If I like there hot place and job there then back to Canada then move to Texas for permanently. Am I risk not able to move to USA if I work visitor for a year then move there? Is visitor visa complicated? Which one right form to fill out visitor visa? How long process to get approval for visitor visa? How long process to take for green card?
second question about green card. if I am done one year in Texas and return to Ontario if i love Texas and want to live there as permanently. I am wondering can I file green card forms awhile I am living in Ontario? Or have to be in USA to file green card? How long to take green card to finally be approval?
third question as the visitor permit can I work in Texas or not allow to work if with visitor permit?
second question about green card. if I am done one year in Texas and return to Ontario if i love Texas and want to live there as permanently. I am wondering can I file green card forms awhile I am living in Ontario? Or have to be in USA to file green card? How long to take green card to finally be approval?
third question as the visitor permit can I work in Texas or not allow to work if with visitor permit?