Thanks a lot to immihelp for providing such informative website. I am in the process of filling for B2 for my parents. My father is retired and mother is a house wife. My fathers Annual pension amount to 1.2Lakh in a yr. For this amount he fills tax every yr. Also he has house property and Land property in B'lore. Apart frm this he has some Mutual Funds investments, investment in my mothers name, and some income from Farming all which amounts to asset of few lakhs fr which he doesnt file for Tax. So to show the properties and bankbalance for US visa, can he show all these things fr all which he has documentary proof or he should show only the income fr which he files tax ?
Pls help. Also sometimes we send money frm US to his another bank account, which he doesnt show in his Tax Filling, can he show that bank statement also for showing strong ties or he cannot show that bank balance as he doesnt file tax fr that ?
Pls help. I am in urgent need fr this info. Looking frward to some knowledgable comments.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks a lot to immihelp for providing such informative website. I am in the process of filling for B2 for my parents. My father is retired and mother is a house wife. My fathers Annual pension amount to 1.2Lakh in a yr. For this amount he fills tax every yr. Also he has house property and Land property in B'lore. Apart frm this he has some Mutual Funds investments, investment in my mothers name, and some income from Farming all which amounts to asset of few lakhs fr which he doesnt file for Tax. So to show the properties and bankbalance for US visa, can he show all these things fr all which he has documentary proof or he should show only the income fr which he files tax ?
Pls help. Also sometimes we send money frm US to his another bank account, which he doesnt show in his Tax Filling, can he show that bank statement also for showing strong ties or he cannot show that bank balance as he doesnt file tax fr that ?
Pls help. I am in urgent need fr this info. Looking frward to some knowledgable comments.
Thanks a lot.