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pls help..info reqd

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  • pls help..info reqd


    1. I have noticed a regional language appointment availability when I provided info in https://www.vfs-usa.co.in/ApplnForms...Residense.aspx
    2. As soon as I selected the appointment I was asked to fil forms 156, 157.
    3. After thats done, I chose to add 1 more person to the same appointment and so clicked 'Continue'. However, 'No appointments are available' message came then.

    1. Does this mean that appointment is created for teh first applicant for whom i entered information.

    2.What is the type of visit visa visa appointment confirmation i get? Where can I check whether the visa consulate appointment has been scheduled?

    Could you please advise me on this. Your help is highly appreciated.


  • #2
    No, it doesn't mean the first person got that date. May be that slot that you saw is a one person slot and so as soon as you tried to add another applicant, you could not get hold of it. Generally speaking, the procedure is to fill DS 156, 157 for the first applicant, then add another applicant and fill their forms as well. AFter that you will have a button to choose an appointment date. This button will get activated only when there are slots available. Once you click on that and choose a date and follow the on screen instructions, you will have an interview letter with confirmed timeslots.



    • #3
      Thanks a lot Sri..

      As you said may be its a 1-person appointment. However, I need to add other person to the same time slot. When I try to 'Retrieve/ Modify a saved application' and as I am trying to add teh second applicant, I am directed to the appointment page. Since this page does not have any available appointments, the only option I have is to exit. Is there someway wherein I can fill 156, 157 forms for the second applicant and keep that ready to book an appointment when the slot opens up?



      • #4
        Unfortunately there is no option to have all the data filled in Naveen! Only when there are slots available can you fill up the application. What I did when I was in this predicament was I created all the answers in a notepad in the order that I need to fill it in the form and once I found the slot I quickly copied the data over. That way I could save time.



        • #5
          thanks a lot Sri. that helps..





